In this study we describe the isolation of three genes of the CYP11B family of the guinea pig. CYP11B1 codes for the previously described 11b-hydroxylase [Bulow, ., Mobius, ¨ ¨ K., Bahr, V. & Bernhardt, R. (1996) Biochem. Biophys. Res. ¨ Commun. 221, 304–312] while CYP11B2 represents the aldosterone synthase gene. As no expression for CYP11B3 was detected this gene might represent a pseudogene. Transient transfection assays show higher substrate specificity for its proper substrate for CYP11B1 as compared to CYP11B2, which could account for the zone-specific synthesis of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, respectively. Thus, CYP11B2 displayed a fourfold higher ability.