Why measure customer satisfaction? Because it’s required! The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 says states need to “consult with customers about the relevance of the information disseminated through the statewide employment statistics. A plan for actively listening to customers of Labor Market Information Products and Services A resource handbook from the Customer Satisfaction Work Group of the Workforce Information Council Copyright 2003 | Customer Satisfaction Made Easy A plan for actively listening to customers of Labor Market Information Products and Services A resource handbook from the Customer Satisfaction Work Group of the Workforce Information Council Copyright 2003 Table of Contents Topic Page Introduction – Why Measure Customer Satisfaction? 1 How to Measure Customer Satisfaction 2-3 Step 1 – Pick a Product or Customer Group 4-6 Step 2 – Set the Stage for Assessment 7-31 What do you want to find out? 7-10 Sample Problem Definition Statement 8-10 How you can best find the answers? 10-31 Qualitative Approach 11-12 Quantitative Approach 13-14 Guide for Using Focus Groups 16-18 Guide for Using A Mail Survey 19-20 Guide for Using A Telephone Survey 21-23 Guide for Using a Personal Interview 24-26 Guide for Using an Internet Survey 27-29 What to Ask 30 Sample Survey 31 Step 3 – Conduct Research and Take Action! 32 Documenting Demand Conclusion 33 Introduction – Why measure customer satisfaction? Because it’s required! The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 says states need to “consult with customers about the relevance of the information disseminated through the statewide employment statistics system, in order to continuously improve the system.” The two key parts of this statement are: • Consult with customers • Continuously improve the system It’s also a requirement of the One Stop LMI grant from the Employment and Training Administration! Because we have to prove “return on investment!” In times of increased accountability in government, every activity needs to prove that taxpayers’ money is used efficiently and effectively. To ensure that LMI products retain their value to customers, we need to continuously ask customers if our products are meeting their needs. We also need to create new products that are responsive to customer demands. Asking our cus- tomers about our products provides proof that LMI products are a good investment. Because we can’t afford not to! With limited funding, we have