Figure summarizes the project-planning and control process. The process provides for planning according to goals and requirements and control by exception. The process is initiated by establishing detailed project requirements, and in meeting them, we simultaneously achieve the goals of a project. | SPECIFIC ISSUES IN THE PROJECT-CONTROL PROCESS 2063 PRIOR TO JUNE 1987 INFORMAL CONTROLS MINIMAL Fig. BSY-1 Informal systems before and during improvement effort. NOVEMBER 1989 INFORMAL CONTROLS STRENGTHENED SPECIFIC ISSUES IN THE PROJECT-CONTROL PROCESS Project-Planning and Control Process Overview Figure summarizes the project-planning and control process. The process provides for planning according to goals and requirements and control by exception. The process is initiated by establishing detailed project requirements and in meeting them we simultaneously achieve the goals of a project. Fig. Summary of project-control process. 2064 MANAGEMENT CONTROL OF PROJECTS Detailed requirements are established by preparing a means-end work breakdown structure WBS which is a hierarchical subdivision of a project. The WBS provides the framework within which we may establish project requirements and prepare detailed plans for the time expenditures and performance variables of the project. Once all end items purposes and subpurposes of the project have been established the next step of the process requires logical consistent and coordinated plans to achieve the end items of the project. Network analysis provides a tool for identifying functional activities that must be performed to achieve a lowest-level end of the WBS. That is in putting together the detailed plans for a complex project we begin at a level of detail where we can identify functional activities with which we have had some prior experience and in this way break up the novel task into its known elements. This process tends to reduce the novelty of a complex project. Network plans and the WBS provide the basis for estimating the expenditures of a project. Labor material and overhead costs assigned to each lower-level item of a WBS may be derived from estimates of activities contained on networks. By summarizing vertically . up the WBS all expenditure estimates beginning at .