Program Objective: To maintain a quality and freshness of tomatoes that permits consumption after 21+ days of storage at 56˚F ( ˚C). To prove that designs with a Chandra Associates films (CA Film) generate a shelf life greater than that of design without films (control in air) at a storage temperature of 56˚F ( ˚C). 10 Days After Harvest Designs Tested: A -CA Film in a polyethylene bag with kg tomatoes at storage temp C -Control in air - no membrane, kg tomatoes at storage temp . | SHELF LIFE EXTENSION OF TOMATOES Shubham Chandra President Chandra Associates Program Objective: To maintain a quality and freshness of tomatoes that permits consumption after 21+ days of storage at 56˚F ( ˚C). To prove that designs with a Chandra Associates films (CA Film) generate a shelf life greater than that of design without films (control in air) at a storage temperature of 56˚F ( ˚C). 10 Days After Harvest Designs Tested: A -CA Film in a polyethylene bag with kg tomatoes at storage temp C -Control in air - no membrane, kg tomatoes at storage temp TOMATO TESTING RESULTS Control – Protocol C Control – Protocol A DAY 10 DAY 11 – PROTOCOL A DAY 11 – PROTOCOL C DAY 11 – PROTOCOL A DAY 11 – PROTOCOL A Vs C DAY 16 – PROTOCOL A DAY 16 – PROTOCOL C DAY 16 – PROTOCOL A Vs C DAY 19 – PROTOCOL A DAY 19– PROTOCOL C DAY 21– PROTOCOL A DAY 21– PROTOCOL A DAY 21– PROTOCOL A DAY 21– PROTOCOL A DAY 21 – PROTOCOL A Vs C Program Test Results The CA films ensured the quality and freshness of tomato was maintained and permitted consumption even after 21 days of storage at 56˚F ( ˚C). Proved that designs with a Chandra Associates films (CA Film) generate a shelf life greater than that of design without films (control in air) at a storage temperature of 56˚F ( ˚C). 10 Days After Harvest TOMATO TESTING . | SHELF LIFE EXTENSION OF TOMATOES Shubham Chandra President Chandra Associates Program Objective: To maintain a quality and freshness of tomatoes that permits consumption after 21+ days of storage at 56˚F ( ˚C). To prove that designs with a Chandra Associates films (CA Film) generate a shelf life greater than that of design without films (control in air) at a storage temperature of 56˚F ( ˚C). 10 Days After Harvest Designs Tested: A -CA Film in a polyethylene bag with kg tomatoes at storage temp C -Control in air - no membrane, kg tomatoes at storage temp TOMATO TESTING RESULTS Control – Protocol C Control – Protocol A DAY 10 DAY 11 – PROTOCOL A DAY 11 – PROTOCOL C DAY 11 – PROTOCOL A DAY 11 – PROTOCOL A Vs C DAY 16 – PROTOCOL A DAY 16 – PROTOCOL C DAY 16 – PROTOCOL A Vs C DAY 19 – PROTOCOL A DAY 19– PROTOCOL C DAY 21– PROTOCOL A DAY 21– PROTOCOL A DAY 21– .