Emergency Planning is a critical component of every facility’s mission to provide a safe environment for its residents, staff, patrons and visitors. The key to successful emergency response lies in the details of preparedness. Generic (one-size fits all) guidelines for emergency response are insufficient. Our safety in an emergency depends on the careful, detailed planning and training that goes on well before an emergency occurs and that is specific to each facility. Details overlooked during the planning process may result in increased loss of life and property or, at least, in considerable inconvenience as in this example of a Texas nursing home | American Red Cross EMERGENCY PLANNING GUIDE FOR FACILITIES WITH SPECIAL POPULATIONS TOGETHERWE PREPARE Foreword This Emergency Planning Guide was developed by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross in order to facilitate the preparation of Emergency Operations Plans for facilities that serve a population with special needs. We define special needs as any human condition that may necessitate special care during an emergency or disaster response. Emergency preparedness manuals and training materials often assume that the victims involved are all healthy ambulatory and able to function independently in an emergency situation. We know that this is not always the case. The American Red Cross serves a diverse population which includes children and individuals with disabilities medical needs cognitive impairments or simply a limited personal recovery capacity. These needs must be intentionally incorporated into the emergency planning process in order to ensure the safety and well-being of these individuals during an emergency. The American Red Cross of Southwestern Pennsylvania offers three training components which accompany this guide Emergency Planning Workshop - a full day training for facility leadership that takes the participant through the planning process step-by-step and covers the basics in Emergency Management. Disaster Preparedness - a one-hour training for residents and facility staff on individual and family preparedness. Special Needs Awareness - a one-hour seminar for Emergency Responders on how special needs may affect their approach to emergency response. It is our hope that this comprehensive community education program will strengthen the emergency preparedness and recovery capacity of every facility that serves a special population. For further information or to obtain a copy of this guide please contact American Red Cross of Southwestern Pennsylvania Department of Emergency Services 225 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh PA