This guide provides general background material and suggestions to support you in your role as facilitator. A series of Facilitator Resources provide specific guidance related to your role, covering topics such as • Effective facilitation – what is it and how you can do it • Dealing with conflict, dominating people and encouraging to participation | T6123-REG Promoting Effective Water Management Policies and Practices Phase 3 Pilot Demonstration Activity of Developing and Testing Environmental Education and Awareness Methodologies and Tools Learning Circle Facilitators Guide to Promote Sustainable Development in the Tonle Sap Tonle Sap - Cambodia October 2004 Prepared for the Asian Development Bank A Live Learn Environmental Education Publication Disclaimer This report was prepared by consultants for the Asian Development Bank. The findings interpretations and conclusions expressed in it do not necessarily represent the views of the Asian Development Bank ADB or those of its member governments. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report and accepts no responsibility for any consequences of their use. T6123-REG Promoting Effective Water Management Policies and Practices Phase 3 Pilot Demonstration Activity for Developing and Testing Environmental Education and Awareness Methodologies and Tools Learning Circles Facilitators Guide to Promote Sustainable Development in the Tonle Sap TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. THE ROLE OF A LEARNING CIRCLE III. PRACTICAL Contact Taking Organising visiting IV. THE FIRST 1. Getting to know each 2. Setting some ground 3. Agreeing on some 4. Developing road maps .10 5. Agreeing on themes topics 6. Practical 7. What can we do .11 8. V. FACILITATOR RESOURCE 1 WHAT DOES YOUR ROLE INVOLVE 14 VI. FACILITATOR RESOURCE 2 SUGGESTIONS FOR KEEPING THINGS ON VII. FACILITATOR RESOURCE 3 TIPS FOR DEALING WITH CONFLICT AND VIII. FACILITATOR RESOURCE 4 ENCOURAGING PARTICIPATION DEALING WITH DOMINANT IX. FACILITATOR RESOURCE 5 USING QUESTIONS X. GETTING ORGANISED 1 LEARNING CIRCLE REGISTRATION FORM .25 XI. GETTING ORGANISED 2 PARTICIPANT EVALUATION XII. .