Lecture Data Structures & Algorithms: Chapter 1 (C-Language) presented address, pointers, arrays, address of each element in an array, accessing & manipulating an array using pointers, another case of manipulating an array using pointers, two-dimensional array, pointer arrays, structures, structure pointers. | Data Structures & Algorithms 1 C-Language ADDRESS POINTERS ARRAYS ADDRESS OF EACH ELEMENT IN AN ARRAY ACCESSING & MANIPULATING AN ARRAY USING POINTERS ANOTHER CASE OF MANIPULATING AN ARRAY USING POINTERS TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY POINTER ARRAYS STRUCTURES STRUCTURE POINTERS ADDRESS For every variable there are two attributes: address and value In memory with address 2: value "Dave" In memory with address 5: value: cout use a pointer to integer to | Data Structures & Algorithms 1 C-Language ADDRESS POINTERS ARRAYS ADDRESS OF EACH ELEMENT IN AN ARRAY ACCESSING & MANIPULATING AN ARRAY USING POINTERS ANOTHER CASE OF MANIPULATING AN ARRAY USING POINTERS TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY POINTER ARRAYS STRUCTURES STRUCTURE POINTERS ADDRESS For every variable there are two attributes: address and value In memory with address 2: value "Dave" In memory with address 5: value: cout << "Value of y is: " << y << "\n"; cout << "Address of y is: " << &y << "\n\n"; 2. POINTERS is a variable whose value is also an address. A pointer to an integer is a variable that can store the address of that integer ia: value of variable &ia: address of ia *ia means you are printing the value at the location specified by ia int i; //A int * ia; //B cout<<"The address of i "<< &i << " value="<