Developing products and services; communicating and interacting with foreign business partners; screening and selecting foreign distributors and other partners; negotiating and structuring international business ventures; interacting with current and potential customers from abroad; preparing for overseas trade fairs and exhibitions; preparing advertising and promotional materials. | International Business Session 3 Culture The way in which a group of people solves problems and reconciles dilemmas. A code of attitudes, norms and values, our way of thinking. Determines how we see ourselves and how we see the world. Is not right or wrong; it is not inherited, but learned. Language Communication Religion Values/ Attitudes/ Beliefs Social Structure 2 Artifacts and Products Norms and Values Basic Assumptions explicit implicit Cross-Cultural Proficiency is Paramount in Managerial Tasks Developing products and services Communicating and interacting with foreign business partners Screening and selecting foreign distributors and other partners Negotiating and structuring international business ventures Interacting with current and potential customers from abroad Preparing for overseas trade fairs and exhibitions Preparing advertising and promotional materials 4 What are your top 10 values? Age/seniority Authority Belongingness Collectiveness Competition Compromise Cooperation Devotion Directness Efficiency Equality Independence Family harmony Family security Freedom Go-between Group consensus Group harmony Independence Indirectness Individualism Hospitality Openness Parental guidance Patience Quality Self-reliance Time 5 United States Japan Arab Countries Priorities of Cultural Values Table 4-1 Priorities of Cultural Values: United States, Japan, and Arab Countries Freedom Independence Self-reliance Equality Individualism Competition Efficiency Time Directness Openness Belonging Group harmony Collectiveness Age/seniority Group consensus Cooperation Quality Patience Indirectness Go-between Family security Family harmony Parental guidance Age Authority Compromise Devotion Patience Indirectness Hospitality Note: “1” represents the most important cultural value, “10” the least. Adapted from Table 4-1: Priorities of Cultural Values: United States, Japan, and Arab Countries 6 7 Culture as a normal distribution – bell curve 8 stereotypes 9 Mini-Quiz on . | International Business Session 3 Culture The way in which a group of people solves problems and reconciles dilemmas. A code of attitudes, norms and values, our way of thinking. Determines how we see ourselves and how we see the world. Is not right or wrong; it is not inherited, but learned. Language Communication Religion Values/ Attitudes/ Beliefs Social Structure 2 Artifacts and Products Norms and Values Basic Assumptions explicit implicit Cross-Cultural Proficiency is Paramount in Managerial Tasks Developing products and services Communicating and interacting with foreign business partners Screening and selecting foreign distributors and other partners Negotiating and structuring international business ventures Interacting with current and potential customers from abroad Preparing for overseas trade fairs and exhibitions Preparing advertising and promotional materials 4 What are your top 10 values? Age/seniority Authority Belongingness Collectiveness Competition Compromise .