-ability suffix expressing ability or capacity, from L. -abilitas, forming nouns from adjs. ending in -abilis (see able). Not etymologically related to ability, though popularly connected with it. -able suffix expressing ability, capacity, fitness, from L. -ibilis, -abilis, forming adjectives from verbs, from PIE *tro-, a suffix used to form nouns of instrument. In L., infinitives in -are took -abilis, others -ibilis; in Eng., able is used for native words, -ible for words of obvious L. origin. The Latin suffix is not etymologically connected with able, but it long has been popularly associated with it, and this has contributed to its survival. | -ability suffix expressing ability or capacity from L. -abilitas forming nouns from adjs. ending in -abilis see able . Not etymologically related to ability though popularly connected with it. -able suffix expressing ability capacity fitness from L. -ibilis -abilis forming adjectives from verbs from PIE -tro- a suffix used to form nouns of instrument. In L. infinitives in -are took -abilis others -ibilis in Eng. -able is used for native words -ible for words of obvious L. origin. The Latin suffix is not etymologically connected with able but it long has been popularly associated with it and this has contributed to its survival as a living suffix. It is related to the second syllable of rudder and saddle. -acea suffix denoting orders and classes in zoology from L. -acea neut. pl. of -aceus belonging to of the nature of enlarged from adj. suffix -ax gen. -acis neut. pl. because of a presumed animalia a neuter plural noun. Thus crustacea shellfish are crustacea animalia crusty animals. In botany the suffix is -aceae from the fem. pl. of -aceus with reference to L. plantae which is a fem. plural. -ad suffix denoting collective numerals cf. Olympiad from Gk. -as gen. -ados a suffix forming fem. nouns also used in fem. patronymics Dryad Naiad also in plural Pleiades Hyades . -ado in commando desperado tornado and other words of Sp. and Port. origin person or group participating in an action from L. -atus pp. suffix of verbs of the first conjugation cf. -ade . -age suffix forming nouns of act process function condition from . Fr. -age from . -aticum belonging to related to originally neut. adj. suffix from L. -atus pp. suffix of verbs of the first conjugation. -aholic abstracted from alcoholic first in sugarholic 1965 later in workaholic 1968 golfaholic 1971 chocoholic 1976 and shopaholic 1984 . -algia suffix denoting pain from Gk. algos pain algein to feel pain of unknown origin. -archy suffix meaning rule from L. -archia from Gk. -arkhia from arkhos leader chief