This paper presentes the results of complex formation of Mn2+ with Lumomagnezone (Lm or H2L) and with mixed ligands Lm, HCO3 - in the systems: H2O-Mn2+-Lm (1a) H2O-Mn2+-Lm-HCO3 (2a) The formerd complexes [MnHL]+, [Mn(HL)HCO3] have been used as catalysts for the reactions of H2O2 decomposion and Lm oxidation in the systems: H2O-Mn2+-Lm H2O2 (3a); H2O-Mn2+-Lm-HCO3 - -H2O2 (4a) It has shown that the catalytic activity of the complex [Mn(HL)HCO3] is much higher than that of [MnHL] +.