Chapter 17 - Organisational change and development. Chapter learning objectives: identify four forces for change in the business environment, describe the elements of lewin’s force field analysis model, outline six reasons why people resist organisational change, discuss six strategies to minimise resistance to change, outline the role of change agents, define organisation development, discuss three things consultants need to determine in a client relationship. | Organisational change and development Chapter learning objectives Identify four forces for change in the business environment. Describe the elements of Lewin’s force field analysis model. Outline six reasons why people resist organisational change. Discuss six strategies to minimise resistance to change. Outline the role of change agents. Define organisation development. Discuss three things consultants need to determine in a client relationship. Explain how appreciative inquiry differs from the more traditional approach to organisation development. Discuss four ethical issues in organisation development. Courtesy of Centrelink Organisational change at Centrelink Centrelink is transforming several government departments into a centre of excellence for customer service through feedback measures and special training for employees. Some external forces for change Information technology Globalisation & competition Demography Easier information transfer Facilitates global . | Organisational change and development Chapter learning objectives Identify four forces for change in the business environment. Describe the elements of Lewin’s force field analysis model. Outline six reasons why people resist organisational change. Discuss six strategies to minimise resistance to change. Outline the role of change agents. Define organisation development. Discuss three things consultants need to determine in a client relationship. Explain how appreciative inquiry differs from the more traditional approach to organisation development. Discuss four ethical issues in organisation development. Courtesy of Centrelink Organisational change at Centrelink Centrelink is transforming several government departments into a centre of excellence for customer service through feedback measures and special training for employees. Some external forces for change Information technology Globalisation & competition Demography Easier information transfer Facilitates global structures Requires new competencies and expectations Facilitates telecommuting; new employment relationships More emphasis on knowledge management Some external forces for change Information technology Globalisation & competition Demography Global competition Technology makes it easier to compete quickly Results in restructuring, outsourcing, mergers produces many employment changes Some external forces for change Information technology Globalisation & competition Demography More educated workforce want more involvement; interesting work Younger generation less intimidated by status want a more balanced work life Cultural changes more individualism in traditionally collectivist countries Desired conditions Current conditions Before change After change Driving forces Restraining forces Force field analysis During change Driving forces Restraining forces Driving forces Restraining forces Resistance to change at BP Norge Employees initially resisted self-directed work teams .