Civilization is on a non-renewable energy course upon which we are dependent and which can only be maintained by increasing use of fossil fuel oil and gas and coal, with the result of rising greenhouse gas levels and increasing climate change that leads to increasing ecosystem destruction. It is imperative that civilization bring about an energy transition to a renewable energy economy, which may be based on inexhaustible solar energy, hydrogen, and electricity derived from renewable sources. | Chapter 14 Renewable Energy Renewable Sunlight, wind, falling H2O, geothermal Not fossil fuels, not nuclear Indirect Solar power How does it affect Wind? Hydropower? Firewood? Hydro carbon fuels? Nuclear and Geothermal are not indirect solar Passive Solar Heating Large south-facing windows, heavy drapes to trap heat at night, interior bricks to trap heat Shade windows in summer Even though back up systems are required, and solar heating may only lessen the need for heating oil a few %, it will help us adapt to diminishing oil supplies. Photovoltaics Active solar energy Photovoltaic (PV) panels can be used to convert the energy from the sun into electricty. “Every hour enough solar energy reaches the Earth to meet the world's energy demand for a whole year." Did you know that Power towers are sun tracking mirrors used to focus sunlight on a central boiler You can cook food in a solar oven CH4 (methane) results from digesting manure anaerobically Alcohol results from fermenting sugars or starch anaerobically | Chapter 14 Renewable Energy Renewable Sunlight, wind, falling H2O, geothermal Not fossil fuels, not nuclear Indirect Solar power How does it affect Wind? Hydropower? Firewood? Hydro carbon fuels? Nuclear and Geothermal are not indirect solar Passive Solar Heating Large south-facing windows, heavy drapes to trap heat at night, interior bricks to trap heat Shade windows in summer Even though back up systems are required, and solar heating may only lessen the need for heating oil a few %, it will help us adapt to diminishing oil supplies. Photovoltaics Active solar energy Photovoltaic (PV) panels can be used to convert the energy from the sun into electricty. “Every hour enough solar energy reaches the Earth to meet the world's energy demand for a whole year." Did you know that Power towers are sun tracking mirrors used to focus sunlight on a central boiler You can cook food in a solar oven CH4 (methane) results from digesting manure . | Chapter 14 Renewable Energy Renewable Sunlight, wind, falling H2O, geothermal Not fossil fuels, not nuclear Indirect Solar power How does it affect Wind? Hydropower? Firewood? Hydro carbon fuels? Nuclear and Geothermal are not indirect solar Passive Solar Heating Large south-facing windows, heavy drapes to trap heat at night, interior bricks to trap heat Shade windows in summer Even though back up systems are required, and solar heating may only lessen the need for heating oil a few %, it will help us adapt to diminishing oil supplies. Photovoltaics Active solar energy Photovoltaic (PV) panels can be used to convert the energy from the sun into electricty. “Every hour enough solar energy reaches the Earth to meet the world's energy demand for a whole year." Did you know that Power towers are sun tracking mirrors used to focus sunlight on a central boiler You can cook food in a solar oven CH4 (methane) results from digesting manure anaerobically Alcohol results from fermenting sugars or starch .