unit 3 recruitment

| A / Recruitment process: Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification Title of the position Department Reports to (to whom the person directly reports) Overall responsibility Key areas of responsibility Consults with (those who the person works with on a regular basis) Term of employment Qualifications (necessary skills and experience required) - Physical attributes (. state of health, aged, speech) - Attainments (. highest level of education completed, relevant market experience, ability to supervise/manage) - Aptitudes (. verbal reasoning; numerical aptitude) - Interests (social activities; sporting activities) - Personal circumstances (. ability to work shifts; full or part time) 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews There are a variety of different types of job interviews that employers use to screen candidates for employment including behavioral interviews, group interviews, phone interviews, video interviews, second interviews, and dining interviews. Screening: In Person or via Telephone Directed Traditional (One-on-One) Panel or Committee Behavioral Lunch or Breakfast Group (of applicants) Audition (Working Interview) dental offices use this one; movie reviewers Stress Serial or Follow-up Informational 7. Conducting interview and decision making 7. Conducting interview and decision making B/ Purpose and Importance of Recruitment 1. Attract and encourage more and more candidates B/ Purpose and Importance of Recruitment 2. Create a talent pool of candidates B/ Purpose and Importance of Recruitment 3. Determine present and future requirements of the organization C/ Sources of recruitment Internal External C/ Sources of recruitment Internal 1. Transfer 2. Promotions 3. Upgrading C/ Sources of recruitment Internal 4. Demotion 5. Retired employees 6. Retrenched employees C/ Sources of . | A / Recruitment process: Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification Title of the position Department Reports to (to whom the person directly reports) Overall responsibility Key areas of responsibility Consults with (those who the person works with on a regular basis) Term of employment Qualifications (necessary skills and experience required) - Physical attributes (. state of health, aged, speech) - Attainments (. highest level of education completed, relevant market experience, ability to supervise/manage) - Aptitudes (. verbal reasoning; numerical aptitude) - Interests (social activities; sporting activities) - Personal circumstances (. ability to work shifts; full or part time) 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews There are a variety of different types of job interviews that employers use to screen candidates for employment including behavioral .

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