Chapter 5: Analyzing the marketing environment. When you finish this chapter, you should: Outline how customers, the company, competitors, and corporate partners affect marketing strategy; explain why marketers must consider their macroenvironment when they make decisions; describe the differences among the various generational cohorts; identify various social trends that affect marketing. | analyzing the marketing environment five Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES LO 5-1 Outline how customers, the company, competitors, and corporate partners affect marketing strategy. LO 5-2 Explain why marketers must consider their macroenvironment when they make decisions. LO 5-3 Describe the differences among the various generational cohorts. LO 5-4 Identify various social trends that affect marketing. 2 Macroenvironment Culture Demographics Political/ Legal Technology Economic Culture A Marketing Environment Analysis Framework Immediate Environment Corporate Partners Competition Company Consumers 3 The Immediate Environment Immediate Environment Corporate Partners Competition Company Consumers 4 Successfully Leveraging Company Capabilities Existing knowledge, facilities, patents, etc. New markets, new products, etc. Core competency applied . | analyzing the marketing environment five Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education. 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES LO 5-1 Outline how customers, the company, competitors, and corporate partners affect marketing strategy. LO 5-2 Explain why marketers must consider their macroenvironment when they make decisions. LO 5-3 Describe the differences among the various generational cohorts. LO 5-4 Identify various social trends that affect marketing. 2 Macroenvironment Culture Demographics Political/ Legal Technology Economic Culture A Marketing Environment Analysis Framework Immediate Environment Corporate Partners Competition Company Consumers 3 The Immediate Environment Immediate Environment Corporate Partners Competition Company Consumers 4 Successfully Leveraging Company Capabilities Existing knowledge, facilities, patents, etc. New markets, new products, etc. Core competency applied to ©M Hruby 5 Competitors Know strengths & weaknesses Proactive rather than reactive strategy Chad Baker/Getty Images 6 Corporate Partners From factory Retailer to Firms are part of alliances Align with competitors, suppliers, etc. Just in Time Delivery Systems (JIT) D Normark/PhotoLink/Getty Images Siede Preis/Getty Images ©Lars A Niki 7 What are the components of the immediate environment? 8 Macroenvironmental Factors Culture Demographics Political/ Legal Technology Economic Culture Consumers 9 Culture Country Culture vs. Regional Culture ©Brand X Pictures/PunchStock PhotoLink/Getty Images 10 Demographics Provides an easily understood snapshot of the typical consumer in a specific target market . Census Website BananaStock/JupiterImages Comstock Images/Alamy 11 Generational Cohorts 12 Income Purchasing power is tied to income Many middle class families feel the decline in purchasing power in recent years Courtesy of Hammacher Schlemmer, . 13 Education Education is