Chapter 11: Managing human resources. Learning objectives of this chapter include: Define human resources management and explain its significance; summarize the processes of recruiting and selecting human resources for a company; discuss how workers are trained and their performance appraised; identify the types of turnover companies may experience, and explain why turnover is an important issue;. | Chapter Eleven Managing Human Resources The Nature of Human Resources Management (HRM) HRM: All activities involved in determining an organization’s human resource needs, as well as acquiring, training, and compensating people to fill those needs. Planning for HR Needs Typical HR Issues: How many employees? What skills are needed to satisfy plans? Availability of people in the workforce? What qualifications must employees have? Cost of staffing? Processes of Job Analysis Job Analysis: The determination through observation and study, of pertinent information about a job, including specific tasks and necessary abilities, knowledge, and skills. Job Description: The formal, written description of a specific job, such as the job title, tasks to be performed, physical and mental skills required, duties, and responsibilities. Job Specification: The written description of the qualifications necessary for a specific job, such as education, experience, personal characteristics, and physical . | Chapter Eleven Managing Human Resources The Nature of Human Resources Management (HRM) HRM: All activities involved in determining an organization’s human resource needs, as well as acquiring, training, and compensating people to fill those needs. Planning for HR Needs Typical HR Issues: How many employees? What skills are needed to satisfy plans? Availability of people in the workforce? What qualifications must employees have? Cost of staffing? Processes of Job Analysis Job Analysis: The determination through observation and study, of pertinent information about a job, including specific tasks and necessary abilities, knowledge, and skills. Job Description: The formal, written description of a specific job, such as the job title, tasks to be performed, physical and mental skills required, duties, and responsibilities. Job Specification: The written description of the qualifications necessary for a specific job, such as education, experience, personal characteristics, and physical characteristics. Recruiting New Employees Recruiting Pool External Sources Internal Sources Current Employees “Head Hunters” Universities Classifieds FAST FACT: Several years ago, 21% of companies said they recruited online. Experts say it over 80% today. Source: Bill Leonard, “Online and Overwhelmed,” HR, vol 45 (August 2000), no 8 from http[:// (accessed May 16, 2001). The Selection Process Application Interview Testing Reference Checking Job? Legal Issues in Recruiting and Selecting New Employees Fair Labor Standards Act (1938). Sets minimum wages and overtime rates (for any time over 40 hours per week). Equal Pay Act (1963). Requires that men and women who do equal work be paid equally. Title VII of the Civil rights Act (1964). Created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and mandates affirmative action programs. Outlaws employment practices that discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, or national origin. .