(BQ) The best and easiest way to learn essential information about the top 300 drugs. Every card includes: Generic and common name, class, dosage forms, approved dose and indications, off-label use, contraindications, adverse reactions, drug interactions,. | Drug Interactions: Isosorbide Mononitrate Typical Agents CYP3A4/5 inducers CYP3A4/5 inhibitors Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (erectile dys unction medications) Mechanism Increased metabolism o isosorbide mononitrate decreases isosorbide e cacy Decreased metabolism o isosorbide mononitrate increases risk o isosorbide mononitrate toxicity Excessive hypotension Clinical Management Monitor or toxicity and consider dose increases o isosorbide mononitrate Monitor or e cacy and consider dose decreases o isosorbide mononitrate Concurrent use contraindicated; separate sildena l and vardena l rom nitrates by 24 h; tardena l rom nitrates by 48 h Adverse Reactions: Isosorbide Mononitrate Common (>10%) Dizziness, headache Less Common (1-10%) Bradycardia, f ushing, hypotension, nausea, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, vomiting Rare but Serious (10%) Application site reaction with foam Less Common (1-10%) Dry skin, burning, stinging at site of application Rare but Serious (90% hepatic and primari y via g ucuronide conjugation Elimination Rena e imination is 55-60% (5% unchanged) and 50% in eces, with a ha - i e o 5-8 h Pharmacogenetics None known Black Box Warnings None Medication Sa ety Issues: Labetalol Suf xes No Tall Man Letters No L Do Not Crush No High Alert Yes (IV on y) 148 Con used Names Betaxo o , amoTRIgine, Lipitor Beers Criteria No Drug Interactions: Labetalol Typical Agents A pha-/Beta-agonists A pha1-b ockers, entany Beta-b ockers, amiodarone, dronedarone Antidiabetic drugs Ca cium channe b ockers Mechanism Labeta o may enhance the vasopressor e ect o a pha-/beta-agonist Additive orthostatic hypotension Increased risk o bradycardia, heart b ock, sinus arrest Decreased g ycemic contro Increased risk o hypotension and/or bradycardia and AV b ock Clinical Management Avoid concurrent use or monitor BP Avoid concurrent use or monitor BP Avoid concurrent use in patients with sick sinus syndrome or AV b ock Monitor b ood g ucose eve s Avoid .