Chapter 10 - Bad-news messages. After completing this chapter, students will be able to: Describe how delivering bad news impacts your credibility, explain considerations for deciding which channels to use when delivering bad news messages, summarize principles for effectively delivering bad-news messages,. | Chapter Ten Bad-News Messages McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Describe how delivering bad news impacts your credibility. Explain considerations for deciding which channels to use when delivering bad news messages. Summarize principles for effectively delivering bad-news messages. . Learning Objectives Compose effective bad-news messages in person and in writing for various audiences, including colleagues, external partners, and customers. Deliver and receive negative performance reviews constructively. Review bad-news messages for effectiveness and fairness. Maintaining Credibility When Delivering Bad News Honesty and openness are keys Although people do not like to get bad news, they expect the truth Choose the Right Mix of Channels An advantage to placing bad news in writing is being able to control the message more carefully and ensure that you state | Chapter Ten Bad-News Messages McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Describe how delivering bad news impacts your credibility. Explain considerations for deciding which channels to use when delivering bad news messages. Summarize principles for effectively delivering bad-news messages. . Learning Objectives Compose effective bad-news messages in person and in writing for various audiences, including colleagues, external partners, and customers. Deliver and receive negative performance reviews constructively. Review bad-news messages for effectiveness and fairness. Maintaining Credibility When Delivering Bad News Honesty and openness are keys Although people do not like to get bad news, they expect the truth Choose the Right Mix of Channels An advantage to placing bad news in writing is being able to control the message more carefully and ensure that you state the bad news precisely and accurately Advantages and Disadvantages of Bad News in Verbal and Written Forms Sympathize with the Bad-News Recipient and Soften the Blow Buffer a statement to establish common ground, show appreciation, state your sympathy, or otherwise express goodwill. Buffers for Bad-News Messages Sympathize with the Bad-News Recipient and Soften the Blow Teaser message Signal to recipients that an upcoming conversation or other communication may involve unpleasant news Prepares recipients emotionally yet does not reveal specific information Often written Delivering Bad News in Writing to Colleagues Mum effect occurs when the chain of messages within an organization is filtered at each level to leave out or inaccurately state the bad news The message that top executives often hear ends up being unrealistically rosy Focusing on Actions and Results, Not Attitudes and Intentions Establishing Measurable Expectations Reframing Your Thoughts to