What you should learn from chapter 5: The necessity for adapting to cultural differences, how and why management styles vary around the world, the extent and implications of gender bias in other countries, the importance of cultural differences in business ethics, the differences between relationship-oriented and information-oriented cultures. | Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems Chapter 5 Learning Objectives LO1 The necessity for adapting to cultural differences LO2 How and why management styles vary around the world LO3 The extent and implications of gender bias in other countries LO4 The importance of cultural differences in business ethics LO5 The differences between relationship-oriented and information-oriented cultures Business Customs in Global Marketing Business etiquette is largely driven by cultural norms. Cultural analysis often pinpoints market opportunities, gives companies a competitive edge 3 Requires Adaptation Adaptation is a key concept in international marketing To successfully deal with individuals, firms, or authorities in foreign countries, managers should exhibit: open tolerance, flexibility, humility, justice/fairness, ability to adjust to varying tempos, curiosity/interest, knowledge of the country, liking for others, ability to command respect, and ability to integrate oneself into the environment 4 Cultural Imperatives, Electives and Exclusives Cultural imperatives: business customs and expectations that must be met, conformed, recognized and accommodated if relationships are to be successful Cultural electives: areas of behavior or to customs that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or participate in but that are not required Cultural exclusives: customs or behavior patterns reserved exclusively for the locals and from which the foreigner is barred and must not participate 5 The Impact of American Culture Ways in which . culture has influenced management style include, but are not limited to, the following: Personnel selection and reward based on merit Decisions based on objective analysis Wide sharing in decision making Never-ending quest for improvement Competition yielding efficiency 6 American Culture and Management Style There are at least three reasons to focus briefly on American culture and management style: for Americans, it is important to be . | Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems Chapter 5 Learning Objectives LO1 The necessity for adapting to cultural differences LO2 How and why management styles vary around the world LO3 The extent and implications of gender bias in other countries LO4 The importance of cultural differences in business ethics LO5 The differences between relationship-oriented and information-oriented cultures Business Customs in Global Marketing Business etiquette is largely driven by cultural norms. Cultural analysis often pinpoints market opportunities, gives companies a competitive edge 3 Requires Adaptation Adaptation is a key concept in international marketing To successfully deal with individuals, firms, or authorities in foreign countries, managers should exhibit: open tolerance, flexibility, humility, justice/fairness, ability to adjust to varying tempos, curiosity/interest, knowledge of the country, liking for others, ability to command respect, and ability to integrate oneself into the