ICT 5 Web Development - Chapter 08: XML & XHTML includes XML and XHTML Overview, XML Components, DTD & XML Schema, XML Validation, XML Applications, both based on SGML, history of HTML. | Vietnam and Japan Joint ICT HRD Program ICT 5 Web Development Chapter 08. XML & XHTML Content 1. XML and XHTML Overview 2. XML Components 3. DTD & XML Schema 4. XML Validation 5. XML Applications Nguyen Thi Thu Trang trangntttrangntt-fit@ 2 . XML (eXtensible Markup Language) A new standard by W3C, derived from SGML EXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a metametalanguage that describes the content of the document (self-describing data) (selfJava = Portable Programs; XML = Portable Data XML does not specify the tag set or grammar of the language – Tag Set – markup tags that have meaning to a language processor – Grammar – defines correct usage of a language’s tag . XML (2) Applications of XML – Media for data interchange A better alternative to proprietary data formats – B2B transactions on the Web Electronic business orders (ebXML) Financial Exchange (IFX) Messaging exchange (SOAP) version= encoding= utf 8 ?> utf Iced Tea An iced tea that we serve everyday 4 1 . XML vs. SGML . XML vs. HTML SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) Both based on SGML – ISO-standard meta-language ISOmeta– Powerfull but very complex, suffers from lack of industry support – The basis for XML, first published in 1988 – XML is a subset of SGML – HTML is a markup language written in SGML XML fundamentally separates content (data and language) from presentation; HTML specifies the presentation HTML explicitly defines a set of legal tags as well as the grammar (intended meaning) XML (eXtensible Markup Language) (eXtensible – Simpler yet offers most of the power of SGML because it is also a meta-language meta– More likely to have broad industry support, because many companies and universitites involved in development – XML allows any tags or grammar to be used (hence, eXtensible) – 5 6 . XML vs. HTML (2) HTML – Not extensible – cannot customize Cannot accommodate special needs (. mathematics, chemical formulas) Proprietary,