(BQ) Part 2 book "Internal combustion engines fundamentals" has contents: Combustion in compression ignition engines, pollutant formation and control, engine heat transfer, engine friction and lubrication, modeling real engine flow and combustion processes, engine operating characteristics. | 490 ~ R N A COMBUSTIONENGINE W A M E N ' M L S L E ~ % Chemv b 40, 105. L ~ W. G.: & ~ ~ "Knocking Characteristics of Hyd-bon%" 2388-2438,1948. 106. Li&ty, Engine Recesses, Mffimw-Hill, 1967. PCD'I'N 107. ~ ~ Cowration: "Determining Road Octane Numbers,'' Ethyl t e c h i d h ~ l SP-347 (1 13) Rev. 573. 108. B ~J.: "What Good are Octanes,",in Chfmtecfr,PP. 16-25 American ~ ~ ~ ~ January 1976. M. R., Macpherson, J. B., and Amberg, G. H.: "Additives, Engine Fuel," in J. J. 109. vol. 2, M ~ andK A.~ anningham ( ~ .Ewyclopedia of Chemical Prmessing and W. ~ ~ d ) s , pp. 1-77, Marcel Dekker, New York and Basel, 1977. 110, Mc~abe,L. J., ~ i t ~ F. , B, and Lowther, H. V.: "Future Trends in Automotive Fuels and h . conferme on 830935, in proceedings of Second International En$ine ofi4*$ SAE AYomoti"e Enginemmng, 67-97, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 7-14 19B3. pp. B~~~~~ J. D.: "Some Factors Which Meet Octane Requirement 1n-T SAE paper 750933, SAE Trans., vol. 84,1975. CHAPTER COMBUSTION IN COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINES ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF PROCESS The essential features of the compression-ignition or diesel engine combustion process can be summarized as follows. Fuel is injected by the fuel-injection system into the engine cylinder toward the end of the compression stroke, just before the desired start of combustion. Figures 1-17, 1-18, and 1-19 illustrate the major components of common diesel fuel-injection systems. The liquid fuel, usually injected at high velocity as one or more jets through small orifices or nozzles in the injector tip, atomizes into small drops and penetrates into the combustion chamber. The fuel vaporizes and mixes with the high-temperature high-pressure cylinder air. Since the air temperature and pressure are above the fuel's ignition point, spontaneous ignition of portions of the already-mixed fuel and air occurs after a delay period of a few crank angle degrees. The cylinder pressure increases as combustion of the fuel-air mixture