(BQ) Part 2 book "Rules of thumb for mechanical engineers" has contents: Bearings, piping and pressure vessels, tribology, vibration, materials, stress and strain, fatigue, instrumentation, engineering economics. | Bearings C . Richard Lenglade. Jr., Development Engineer. Allison Engine Company . Types of Bearings Ball Bearings Roller Bearings Standardization Materials Rating and Life . e 146 146 147 149 151 152 ABMA Definitions. Fatigue Life Life Adjustment Factors 152 153 154 Load and Speed Analysis Equivalent Loads . Contact Stresses . Preloading 156 . Special Loads . Effects of Speed . 156 157 157 158 159 . Lubrication General . Oils . Greases . Lubricant Selection Lubricating Methods Relubrication Cleaning, Preservation, and Storage Mounting Shafting .