(BQ) Part 1 book "Managerial accounting for managers" has contents: Managerial accounting and cost concepts; variable costing and segment reporting - Tools for management; activity based costing - A tool to aid decision making; activity based costing - A tool to aid decision making; job order costing,.and other contents. | Find more at Third Edition With Connect Plus® Accounting for Managerial Accounting for Managers, 3e you receive the most advanced study tools as well as a fully integrated, media-rich E-book. What kind of study tools? You get things like • Intelligent Response Technology Connect Accounting’s redesigned student interface for our end-of-chapter assessment content that: • Improves answer acceptance to reduce student frustration with formatting issues (such as rounding); • Provides a general journal application that looks and feels more like what you would find in a general ledger software package; and • For select questions, provides an expanded table that guides students through the process of solving the problem. LearnSmart™ Adaptive learning system is designed to help students learn faster, study more efficiently, and retain more knowledge for greater success. • Guided Examples Narrated and animated, step-by-step walkthroughs of algorithmic versions of assigned exercises, allowing the student to identify and review or reinforcement on what you covered in class, Guided Examples provide immediate feedback and focus on the areas where students need it the most. • Interactive Presentations teach each chapter’s core learning objectives and concepts through a multimedia presentation, bringing the text content to life. Interactive Presentations harness the full power of technology to truly engage and appeal to all learning styles. Ideal in all class formats—online, face to-face or hybrid. • Media-Rich E-book allows students to highlight, take notes, and bookmark important spots in the text, making reviewing for quizzes and tests easier than ever. Connect Plus Accounting gives you a complete digital solution that allows you to access your course materials from any computer, any time. If Connect Plus Accounting sounds good to you, start a three-week FREE TRIAL today! How? Noreen Brewer Garrison Just ask your instructor for the course’s .