(BQ) Part 1 book "Introduction to information systems" has contents: The modern organization in the global, web based environment; information systems - concepts and management; network applications; data and knowledge management; ethics, privacy, and information security. | To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit S#ÿ.#%")*. ÿ. ÿ) ÿ. # . . *& ! ÿ 0#;) '! #;%1 %" .% % #";)%ÿ %%"%';"!%" U/# ÿ % .% "&" ÿ.# ÿ## ÿ=T ÿ " " * )" ** ",%" %#& 0 ÿ. ÿ"'.ÿ% % &ÿ ,0# ÿ " " '& %" & 0& % 1. ) VÿV[\ÿ_`` ÿV^d WYÿ Z]^ \abc]Z Z Z ? ÿ !( B E 2@# ACDÿ % 01352ÿ ÿ 0M7 7 9 594 99 5 24 679 55 65 2 6232 ÿ576 ÿ6ÿ 6f e 92 ÿÿÿ 75 9 6 25 37ÿ ÿg525 H 5 55g ÿ 2 ÿ 7 35 ÿ6 6 6 232 45 52 977 5297 6 67f9 5 757 6 7 52 4 ÿ f ÿ 29 99 5 2ÿ ÿ 7 9 29h6 6ÿ fÿ 4 5 9 ÿ 6fÿ 5 2 5 0 99 52 ÿ52 2 9 074ÿ 5 ÿ3 7 2 ÿ 5 5 9 07 ÿ 6 !$%& 'ÿ)*+ &!)&& %""ÿÿ )"ÿ,#" 0#% ÿ "!ÿ" ($"&ÿ ÿ%, &%& .+ )/%! .%)" # " ÿ * 1 1&) ' & %+ 479 #%ÿ ÿ1 "#;( ÿ%'" # ! ') #ÿ% 0&ÿ 5 8:;1&( %%(*.ÿ .%ÿ ) 236 $ )#%"%")*.)ÿ=%#.% %&.! ÿ ÿ 0#;)'! #;%$ 0> ?5;a 8 35 9:4= `@AR 7 % )0& ')B' # )2 !ÿ% & (ÿ(Cÿ! U'$V ()ÿ )ÿ'( $ # %0 $ '# W" F%ÿ'$ Q 1 # & ( 20% )% B! ÿÿ !'1 ) 2G(% $ ! ÿG D "! ÿ)2 !ÿ0( "2#C )(#)! ÿ")#ÿ 2$ ÿ # " 10ÿ'($ $ (0!#" EF%ÿ #ÿ & )) ' ( G )1 ! ÿ"Wÿ '( G!0# 2G (0% 0 ÿ B(2 )" 'ÿ #$ 0 3334 77R:A = S 8 ?=6T ?:?: 9 @ 3334 68 6;R R 7 35 9:4= ;9 =A 7 35 9:4= R<: A S T @ 7 012 ÿ ÿ89 35 7 6 To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit 02462 12 13578 ÿ 44 0 3 2 1 14 8 .