(BQ) Part 1 book "Methods in behavioral research" has contents: Scientific understanding of behavior, where to start, ethical research, fundamental research issues, measurement concepts, observational methods, asking people about themselves: survey research, experimental design. | This page intentionally left blank APA FORMATTING CHECKLIST Style Checklist for Entire Document Discussion ❑ Font: Times Roman, 12 point ❑ “Discussion” centered and boldface. This does not need to be at the top of a page. ❑ Double-space the entire paper (exception: block quotes) ❑ 1-inch margins ❑ Running head Reference Page ❑ “References” centered, top of new page, regular font styling ❑ Page numbers: regular font, placed on top right of each page ❑ Alphabetical order by first author’s last name ❑ Text paragraphs have first line indented ½ inch ❑ First line of each entry flush left, subsequent lines indented (hanging indent) Title Page ❑ Double-spaced ❑ Title: Generally no more than 12 words, centered in the upper half of the page, upper and lowercase letters Tables ❑ Author: First name, middle initial(s), last name(s). Omit titles. ❑ Each table on its own page ❑ Author affiliation Abstract ❑ “Abstract” centered, top of page, regular font styling ❑ Included at the end of the document, after references ❑ “Table X” flush left, on its own line ❑ Title of table flush left, italicized, with every word capitalized ❑ Column headings capitalized ❑ First line flush left (not indented) ❑ Horizontal lines separate the headers from the content. No vertical lines are used on tables. ❑ 150–250 words (typically) ❑ Double-spaced Introduction Figures ❑ Manuscript title, centered, top of page, regular font styling. This must be at the top of a page. ❑ Included at the end of the document, after references and tables Method ❑ Each figure on its own page ❑ “Method” centered and boldface. This does not need to be at the top of a page. ❑ “Figure X” flush left, italicized, below the figure itself ❑ Sub-sections typically include Participants or Subjects, Materials, Procedure. These subheadings should be boldface, flush left, on a line by themselves. ❑ Figure caption on same line as figure .