(BQ) Part 1 book "Strategic management" has contents: Strategic management and strategic competitiveness; the external environment - opportunities, threats, industry competition, and competitor analysis; competitive rivalry and competitive dynamics; acquisition and restructuring strategies,.and other other contents. | ZY XYZ[\] cb cdYc ` X ^_`a[b ÿ ÿ ÿ $% " #ÿ &"%'" ()*, ÿ+ , -. ÿ ÿ 8 / 9;= BCEFD :ÿ /@ÿ ;. ')+ = 9:24?2* .A3B ,3;* ÿ ,) :@M,63F-)Iÿ 23G- :ÿ22 Hÿ- ÿ- + - + :ÿ wx:ÿ;/ 28 + @ S- -)3ÿ>- + : 2 , G ÿ ÿ ÿ O2@9,+,ÿ 24p r vv 9, s; ÿ C;2+ )+ ;ÿ-)3@.ÿ,-,.ÿ,/Oÿ+-ÿ-+ ; ; - ,;+ÿ+ ;ÿ3/ / 2@,2,ÿÿ G22-),/2@,2 4 7 ->-2ÿ 9:";# 01 85ÿ + ÿ 14 7 ÿ 7ÿ7ÿ 1 41 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ 4+ ÿ5ÿ ÿ ÿ 5 858 ÿ 4 6 ?5 64 ÿ7ÿ4 ÿ 57 ÿ ÿ 7 + 8 1 6 ÿ ÿ 1 ÿ 5 ÿ 17 4 8@A = ÿ' D C # )Bÿ C@; (@C 02ÿ682 929 ÿ 6 1357ÿ 8 6 9ÿ 9 .