Chapter 11 includes a more focused discussion of the critical role of managing change and innovation today. The chapter includes a new discussion of the ambidextrous approach for both creating and using innovations and has expanded material on exploration and creativity, the importance of internal and external cooperation, and the growing trend toward open innovation. | Managing Change and Innovation Chapter 11 Turbulent Times The Changing Work Place Today’s organizations need to continuously adapt to new situations if they are to survive and prosper One of the most dramatic elements is the shift to a technology- driven workplace Ideas, information, and relationships are becoming critically important Manager’s Challenge: Cowley manufacturing plant Managing Change and Innovation How organizations respond to the environment through internal change and development Basic forces for Organizational Change How managers facilitate two change requirements Four major types of change How organizations can be designed to facilitate each Topics Chapter 11 Organizational Change The adoption of a new idea of behavior by an organization New trends require profound changes in the organization E-business Supply chain integration Knowledge management Organizational Change Today’s successful organizations simultaneously embrace two types of planned change . | Managing Change and Innovation Chapter 11 Turbulent Times The Changing Work Place Today’s organizations need to continuously adapt to new situations if they are to survive and prosper One of the most dramatic elements is the shift to a technology- driven workplace Ideas, information, and relationships are becoming critically important Manager’s Challenge: Cowley manufacturing plant Managing Change and Innovation How organizations respond to the environment through internal change and development Basic forces for Organizational Change How managers facilitate two change requirements Four major types of change How organizations can be designed to facilitate each Topics Chapter 11 Organizational Change The adoption of a new idea of behavior by an organization New trends require profound changes in the organization E-business Supply chain integration Knowledge management Organizational Change Today’s successful organizations simultaneously embrace two types of planned change Incremental change = efforts to gradually improve basic operational and work processes in different parts of the company Transformational change = redesigning and renewing the entire organization Model of Change Sequence of Events Environmental Forces Internal Forces Need for change Initiate change Implement change Monitor global competition, and other factors Consider plans, goals, company problems, and needs Evaluate problems and opportunities, define needed changes in technology products, structure, and culture Facilitate search, creativity, idea champions, venture teams, skunk works and idea incubators Use force field analysis, tactics for overcoming resistance Forces for Change Environmental Forces Customers Competitors Technology Economic International arena Internal Forces – activities and decisions Need for Change Performance gap = disparity between existing and desired performance levels. Current procedures are not up to standard New idea or technology could .