(BQ) Part 2 book "Management" has contents: Managing the structure and design of organizations, human resource management, managing employee diversity, leading and motivating others, managing teams, managing communication, operations management and management control. | PART FOUR ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT 9 Learning Objectives 1 Identify the vertical and horizontal dimensions of organization structure. 2 Apply the three basic approaches— United and Continental Airlines Announce a Merger In 2010 United Airlines and Continental Airlines announced their intention to merge their operations in a functional, divisional, and matrix—to $3 billion deal to form the world’s largest airline. The departmentalization. merged combination of the two airlines will account for 3 Develop coordination across departments and hierarchical levels. 4 Use organization structure and the three basic organization designs—mechanistic, organic, and boundaryless—to achieve strategic goals. 5 Develop an awareness of strategic events that are likely to trigger a change in the structure and design of an organization. 40 percent of the . passenger traffic across the Atlantic and 53 percent of all traffic on Pacific routes. In the . the two airlines have overlapping nonstop flights in 13 markets. United is buying Continental, and the combined company will keep the United name and be based in Chicago. Jeffrey A. Smisek, Continental’s chief executive, would run the merged company. The . airline industry in the first decade of the 21st century has accumulated $60 billion in losses and shed 160,000 jobs, according to the Air Transport Association, a Washington trade group. United and Continental each suffered losses for the past two years, and as borrowers they have both received poor credit ratings. The . airline industry has been plagued by a necessity to book over capacity, which has led to clogged airports and delays on the tarmac as planes wait to take off and for landing slots to open up. Mergers are one way that airline executives can improve efficiency. The synergy of an airline combining United and Continental could lead to improvements in 254 Managing the Structure and Design of Organizations determines which pilots get to operate .