(BQ) Part 1 book "Microeconomics" has contents: The central concepts of economics, the modern mixed economy, basic elements of supply and demand, supply and demand - elasticity and applications; demand and consumer behavior; production and business organization; analysis of costs; analysis of perfectly competitive markets. | particular attention to analysis of market economics. This emphasis helps foster a focus on the most important concepts in the principles of microeconomics course. For more information on the nineteenth edition, please visit . Microeconomics 19e As current and relevant as ever, Samuelson and Nordhaus’s Microeconomics continues to be the standard-bearer for an introduction to modern economic principles. The nineteenth edition of this timeless text has an updated view of financial markets and monetary policy, and it covers the following current topics: Microeconomics 19e MD DALIM #1008642 02/21/09 CYAN MAG YELO BLK Samuelson Nordhaus ISBN 978-0-07-334423-2 MHID 0-07-334423-0 90000 9 780073 344232 Paul A. Samuelson William D. Nordhaus MICROECONOMICS i 2/26/09 12:27:54 PM The McGraw-Hill Series Economics Essentials of Economics Economics of Social Issues Urban Economics Brue, McConnell, and Flynn Essentials of Economics Second Edition Guell Issues in Economics Today Fourth Edition O’Sullivan Urban Economics Seventh Edition Mandel Economics: The Basics First Edition Sharp, Register, and Grimes Economics of Social Issues Eighteenth Edition Labor Economics Schiller Essentials of Economics Seventh Edition Econometrics Borjas Labor Economics Fifth Edition Gujarati and Porter Basic Econometrics Fifth Edition McConnell, Brue, and Macpherson Contemporary Labor Economics Eighth Edition Colander Economics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics Seventh Edition Gujarati and Porter Essentials of Econometrics Fourth Edition Public Finance Frank and Bernanke Principles of Economics, Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics Fourth Edition Baye Managerial Economics and Business Strategy Sixth Edition Principles of Economics Frank and Bernanke Brief Editions: Principles of Economics, Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics First .