This paper presents new carrier-based PWM modulations to control this dual topology for optimum operation. In terms of power sources, this cascaded inverter is operated either from isolated dc sources (series power cells) or from a single dc source. Computational simulation and experimental validation are given to verify the proposed techniques. | Journal of Computer Science and Cybernetics, , (2012), 20 30 NEW PWM SWITCHING TECHNIQUES FOR AN OPTIMUM CASCADE 3/3 NPC INVERTER OPERATION NGUYEN HOAI SON, NGUYEN VAN NHO, LE VAN DUONG Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology sonnguyen0603@ Tóm t t. C¡c nghi¶n cùu v ùng döng trong cæng nghi»p ¢ chùng tä nhúng °c iºm nêi bªt cõa bi¸n t¦n a bªc bao gçm: ch§t l÷ñng cæng su§t lîn, h i th§p, nhi¹u i»n tø th§p, v tên hao âng ngt th§p. Trong nhúng n«m g¦n ¥y, mët sè mæ h¼nh bi¸n t¦n lai ÷ñc ph¡t triºn nh¬m t«ng ch§t l÷ñng i·u khiºn v gi£m ë phùc t¤p trong i·u khiºn cho bi¸n t¦n. Trong sè â, thæng qua k¸t nèi nèi ti¸p cõa 2 bë bi¸n t¦n NPC ba bªc, bë bi¸n t¦n lai 3/3 NPC ÷ñc h¼nh th nh vîi nhi·u ÷u iºm v÷ñt trëi. B i b¡o tr¼nh b y nhúng kÿ thuªt PWM mîi düa theo ph÷ìng ph¡p sâng mang nh¬m i·u khiºn vªn h nh tèi ÷u cho mæ h¼nh gh²p n y. V· m°t nguçn DC, c§u tróc bi¸n t¦n n y ÷ñc c§p nguçn theo c§u tróc nguçn chung (vîi ch¿ mët nguçn DC) hay c§u tróc nguçn ri¶ng vîi 4 nguçn DC (l c¡c pin m°t tríi). C¡c mæ phäng v thüc nghi»m trong b i b¡o s³ ÷ñc thüc hi»n º kiºm tra v ¡nh gi¡ c¡c kÿ thuªt ÷ñc · xu§t. Abstract. Investigations and industrial applications have demonstrated unique and attractive features of multilevel inverters including high power quality, good harmonic performance, good electromagnetic compatibility, and low switching losses. In recent years, several new cascaded multilevel inverters are developed for increasing drive performance, reducing the drive complexity and losses. Among those, through a series connection of two three-level NPC inverters, a cascade-3/3 inverter is created with enormous advantages. This paper presents new carrier-based PWM modulations to control this dual topology for optimum operation. In terms of power sources, this cascaded inverter is operated either from isolated dc sources (series power cells) or from a single dc source. .