Chapter 1 - Computer system overview. This chapter provides an overview of computer system hardware. In most areas, the survey is brief, as it is assumed that the reader is familiar with this subject. However, several areas are covered in some detail because of their importance to topics covered later in the book. | Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles Chapter 1 Computer System Overview Seventh Edition By William Stallings Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles “No artifact designed by man is so convenient for this kind of functional description as a digital computer. Almost the only ones of its properties that are detectable in its behavior are the organizational properties. Almost no interesting statement that one can make about on operating computer bears any particular relation to the specific nature of the hardware. A computer is an organization of elementary functional components in which, to a high approximation, only the function performed by those components is relevant to the behavior of the whole system.” THE SCIENCES OF THE ARTIFICIAL , Herbert Simon Operating System Exploits the hardware resources of one or more processors Provides a set of services to system users Manages secondary memory and I/O devices Basic .