Chapter 20 - Regulation of advertising and promotion. The main goals of this chapter are: To examine how advertising is regulated, including the role and function of various regulatory agencies; to examine self-regulation of advertising and evaluate its effectiveness; to consider how advertising is regulated by federal and state government agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission. | Chapter 20 Regulation of Advertising and Promotion Advertising Controls Self Regulation State Regulation Federal Regulation Regulation and Control of Advertising Regulatory concerns Nature and content of the ad Potential of the ad to offend, exploit, mislead, and/or deceive consumers Self regulation: Voluntary internal regulation practiced and promoted within an industry Self-Regulation by Trade Associations Industries prone to controversy develop their own advertising guidelines Many professions maintain guidelines through local, state, and national organizations Self-Regulation by Businesses Better Business Bureau (BBB): Promotes fair advertising and selling practices across industries at the local level Council of Better Business Bureaus: Provide effective control over advertising practices at the national level Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ASRC) Earlier known as the National Advertising Review Council (NARC) Mission - To sustain high standards of truth and accuracy in national advertising Advertising Accountability Program - Regulates online behavioral advertising (OBA) across the Internet National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus (NAD) Examines product performance, superiority, scientific and technical claims Has lawyers to scrutinize all types of media to find misleading advertisements Helps various industries to develop effective self-regulatory programs National Advertising Review Board (NARB) Appealed for additional review by advertisers who disagree with NAD’s findings Composed of advertising professionals and prominent public interest members CARU Activities General activities Review and evaluate child-directed advertising in all media Oversee online privacy issues that affect children Advise advertisers and agencies Maintain self-regulatory guidelines for children’s advertising Mission of the ERSP Discourage advertising and marketing in the electronic . | Chapter 20 Regulation of Advertising and Promotion Advertising Controls Self Regulation State Regulation Federal Regulation Regulation and Control of Advertising Regulatory concerns Nature and content of the ad Potential of the ad to offend, exploit, mislead, and/or deceive consumers Self regulation: Voluntary internal regulation practiced and promoted within an industry Self-Regulation by Trade Associations Industries prone to controversy develop their own advertising guidelines Many professions maintain guidelines through local, state, and national organizations Self-Regulation by Businesses Better Business Bureau (BBB): Promotes fair advertising and selling practices across industries at the local level Council of Better Business Bureaus: Provide effective control over advertising practices at the national level Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ASRC) Earlier known as the National Advertising Review Council (NARC) Mission - To sustain high .