Lecture Networking essentials plus (3/e) - Chapter 6: Defining network protocols. The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Introduction to protocols, TCP/IP, netware protocols, other common protocols. | Defining Network Protocols Introduction to Protocols TCP/IP NetWare Protocols Other Common Protocols 1 Introduction to Protocols 2 Function of Protocols Protocols in a Layered Architecture Implementing and Removing Protocols How Protocols Work 3 Sender Protocols: Break data into packets Add addressing information Prepare data for transmission through the NIC and out onto the network cable Receiver Protocols: Take data packets off the cable Bring data packets into the computer through the NIC Strip data packets of transmitting information added by sender Copy data packets to a buffer Pass reassembled data to the application in a usable form The OSI Model 4 Layers of Protocols Standard Stacks 5 Most important models include: ISO/OSI protocol suite IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Digital DECnet Novell NetWare AppleTalk Internet protocol suite TCP/IP Communication Tasks 6 OSI Model Manufacturer Compatibility 7 MAC Driver or NIC Driver 8 TCP/IP 9 Introduction to TCP/IP TCP/IP . | Defining Network Protocols Introduction to Protocols TCP/IP NetWare Protocols Other Common Protocols 1 Introduction to Protocols 2 Function of Protocols Protocols in a Layered Architecture Implementing and Removing Protocols How Protocols Work 3 Sender Protocols: Break data into packets Add addressing information Prepare data for transmission through the NIC and out onto the network cable Receiver Protocols: Take data packets off the cable Bring data packets into the computer through the NIC Strip data packets of transmitting information added by sender Copy data packets to a buffer Pass reassembled data to the application in a usable form The OSI Model 4 Layers of Protocols Standard Stacks 5 Most important models include: ISO/OSI protocol suite IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Digital DECnet Novell NetWare AppleTalk Internet protocol suite TCP/IP Communication Tasks 6 OSI Model Manufacturer Compatibility 7 MAC Driver or NIC Driver 8 TCP/IP 9 Introduction to TCP/IP TCP/IP Standards TCP/IP and OSI Protocols Written Specifically for TCP/IP SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Email FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Exchanging Files SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Network Management 10 TCP/IP and OSI Four Layers of TCP/IP: Network Interface Layer Internet Layer Transport Layer Application Layer 11 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) 12 Three-Way Handshake: Requestor sends a packet specifying the port number and its initial sequence number (ISN) to server Server acknowledges with its ISN, which consists of the requestor’s ISN, plus 1 The requester replies with the server’s ISN, plus 1 NetWare Protocols 13 Introduction to NetWare Protocols Medium-Access Protocols Internetwork Packet Exchange and Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) Comparing NetWare and OSI Reference Models 14 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 15 RIP packets allow: Workstations to locate fastest route to a network number .