Click the Create datum plane icon to create a new datum plane DTM1 through axis A_2, and 30º angle with FRONT datum plane. Pick the A-2 axis, and while holding down Ctrl key, pick FRONT datum plane. Enter Value for rotation - 30° | njtt ME-430 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Windmill - Parallel Blend Option Pro ENGINEER Wildfire Dr. Herli Surjanhata Figure 1 Step 1 Create revolve protrusion for the hub as shown in Figure 2 below. Note that the location of center of the arc is in PRT_CSYS-DEF. Make sure you create a vertical centerline as axis of revolution and the diameter of the hub at the bottom is 14 inches. Figure 2 Revolve section of the hub Step 2 Click the Create datum plane icon to create a new datum plane DTM1 through axis A_2 and - 30 angle with FRONT datum plane. Pick the A-2 axis and while holding down Ctrl key pick FRONT datum plane. Enter Value for rotation - 30 Figure 3 Step 3 From Insert pull down menu select Blend - .