Chapter 18 - Travel and tourism research. After completing this unit, you should be able to: Recognize the role and scope of travel research, learn the travel research process, study secondary data and how it can be used, understand the methods of collecting primary data, know who does travel research. | Travel and Tourism Research 18 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognize the role and scope of travel research. Learn the travel research process. Study secondary data and how it can be used. Understand the methods of collecting primary data. Know who does travel research. TYPES OF TOURISM RESEARCH The economic impact of tourism Awareness and image research Visitor satisfaction research Competitor research SWOT Analysis Consumer/Tourist behavior research Futures research Destination vision research Social impact research Promotion conversion studies Operations research Household surveys and en route surveys Human resources research Brand studies Product research RIO (return on investment) research Custom research TYPES OF TOURISM RESEARCH (CONTINUED) THE TRAVEL RESEARCH PROCESS Identify the problem Conduct a situation analysis Conduct an informal investigation Develop a formal research design Collect the data Tabulate and analyze Interpret Write the report Follow up SOURCES OF INFORMATION Secondary Data Saves time and money if the data is related to your problem and is relatively current. The following criteria may be use to appraise the value of information obtained from secondary data sources: The organizations supplying the data The authority under which the data was gathered Freedom from bias Adequacy from the sample The nature for the unit in which the data are expressed Accuracy of the data Pertinence to the problem Careful work SOURCES OF INFORMATION Primary Data When not possible to get the information you need from secondary sources, turn to primary sources—original, firsthand sources of information. If you need information on travelers’ attitudes, go to that population and sample it. As stated earlier, collect primary data only after exhausting all reasonable secondary sources of information. BASIC RESEARCH METHODS Focus Groups The Survey Method Internet surveys Factual surveys Opinion surveys Interpretive surveys Personal interviews Telephone surveys Mail surveys Electronic devices Observational method Experimental method Quantitative method Qualitative method QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS Requires random sampling Typically tests specific hypothesis Techniques include modeling scaling factor analysis statistical analysis covariance analysis MAJOR TRAVEL RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS Government Educational institutions Consultants Trade associations Hotels and motels Airlines and other carriers Attractions Food service organizations LEADING ACADEMIC RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Journal of Travel Research Annals of Tourism Research Tourism Management Tourism Review (AIEST) Turizam (now Tourism) World Leisure Journal The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly Journal of Leisure Research