Chapter 23 - Meat. After completing this chapter, students will be able to: Identify the management considerations surrounding the selection and procurement of meat, list popular types of meat products the foodservice industry uses, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various degrees of meat processing,. | Meat 23 YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: Identify the management considerations surrounding the selection and procurement of meat. List popular types of meat products the foodservice industry uses. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various degrees of meat processing. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO (CONT.): Utilize The Meat Buyer’s Guide and IMPS system to select and procure meat products. Summarize the USDA’s inspection process of evaluating meat wholesomeness and determining quality grades. Categorize federal quality grades for beef. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO (CONT.): Explain the selection factors for meat, including government grades. Describe common meat tenderization procedures. Create product specifications for meat. Describe the process of purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing meat. PURCHASING MEAT Meat represents major portion of foodservice dollar Operations purchase beef, veal, pork, lamb and processed meats Prepared meat entrees (convenience foods) used to a lesser extent . | Meat 23 YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: Identify the management considerations surrounding the selection and procurement of meat. List popular types of meat products the foodservice industry uses. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various degrees of meat processing. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO (CONT.): Utilize The Meat Buyer’s Guide and IMPS system to select and procure meat products. Summarize the USDA’s inspection process of evaluating meat wholesomeness and determining quality grades. Categorize federal quality grades for beef. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO (CONT.): Explain the selection factors for meat, including government grades. Describe common meat tenderization procedures. Create product specifications for meat. Describe the process of purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing meat. PURCHASING MEAT Meat represents major portion of foodservice dollar Operations purchase beef, veal, pork, lamb and processed meats Prepared meat entrees (convenience foods) used to a lesser extent MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Should meat be on the menu? Quality of cuts Alternatives? Type of processing Portion-cut In-house fabrication REDUCING THE AP PRICE AND EP COST Substitute fish for beef Substitute meat of lower quality and tenderize Shrink portion sizes Enter into long-term contract with supplier Hedging SELECTION FACTORS Intended use Exact name US Government has set standards of identity IMPS system Meat Buyer’s Guide (MBG) Other terms: variety meats, sausages SELECTION FACTORS (CONT.) . Government inspection and grades Inspects for wholesomeness before and after slaughter Meat that passes marked with a stamp SELECTION FACTORS (CONT.) Voluntary grading program Five maturity classes and eight quality grades for beef Four quality grades for lamb Five quality grades for pork Six quality grades for veal SELECTION FACTORS (CONT.) Product yield Yields are numbered 1 through 5 Packers’ brands Product size Size of Container Type of packaging material SELECTION FACTORS (CONT.) .