Chapter 10 - Managing careers. This chapter presents the following content: Self-reliance – key to career management, evidence that career - management issues are here to stay, careers without boundaries, individual-focused career management,. | Chapter 10 Managing Careers Self-Reliance – Key to Career Management A few questions a 21st century manager should ask: Should employees be responsible for their own career development? Is the new approach to management a fad, or will the trend continue? What kinds of support mechanisms are necessary to make career self-management work? Evidence That Career-Management Issues Are Here to Stay Increased concern for QWL and personal life planning Expansion of workplace diversity throughout all organizational levels Rising educational levels and occupational aspirations, coupled with Slow economic growth and reduced opportunities for advancement Careers Without Boundaries They span multiple organizations and are growing because of: Portability of knowledge and skills across firms People want meaningful work On-the-job action learning Development of multiple networks of associates Responsibility for managing one’s own career Individual-Focused Career Management An individual who is . | Chapter 10 Managing Careers Self-Reliance – Key to Career Management A few questions a 21st century manager should ask: Should employees be responsible for their own career development? Is the new approach to management a fad, or will the trend continue? What kinds of support mechanisms are necessary to make career self-management work? Evidence That Career-Management Issues Are Here to Stay Increased concern for QWL and personal life planning Expansion of workplace diversity throughout all organizational levels Rising educational levels and occupational aspirations, coupled with Slow economic growth and reduced opportunities for advancement Careers Without Boundaries They span multiple organizations and are growing because of: Portability of knowledge and skills across firms People want meaningful work On-the-job action learning Development of multiple networks of associates Responsibility for managing one’s own career Individual-Focused Career Management An individual who is career-focused must realize the following: Think in terms of where you ultimately want to be Understand different fields of employment Accept short-term trade-offs for long-term benefits Be aware of opportunities in your current position Carefully and honestly assess your current performance Try to understand when you and your organization have outlived each other’s usefulness How HP Helps Its Employees Self-Manage Hewlett-Packard helps its employees self-manage through a series of exercises designed to promote self-understanding: A written self-interview Completion of the Strong Vocational Interest Inventory Exploration of the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values Recording a 24-hour diary on a work day and on a non-work day Interviews with at least two “significant others” Lifestyle depiction using words, photos, and drawings Benefits of the Family-Focused Company The company integrates family-support mechanisms into the business itself Flextime is usually a reality Job-share programs are