We try not only calculate their acceptance in function of transverse momentum and rapidity but also combine a pair of candidats with opposite charge in order to reconstruct their invariant mass. In the next step, we have intention to identify stau using the informations from subdetectors such as the inner tracker and the muon chambers. | VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics – Physics, Vol. 33, No. 3 (2017) 7-10 Study of Long-lived Heavy Charged Particles Produced in PP Collisions at Energy 13 TeV Nguyen Mau Chung* Faculty of Physics, VNU University of Science, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam Received 08 July 2017 Revised 30 August 2017; Accepted 15 September 2017 Abstract: We are interested in long-lived heavy charged particles because they would be possible SUSY particle candidats. This paper shows our preliminary results of long-lived heavy charged particles generation using PYTHIA 8. More than 107 events have been generated with pp collisions at energy in the center of mass s = 13 TeV and about 105 long-lived heavy charged particles candidates have been found in the geometric acceptance of the LHCb detector. Long-lived heavy charged particles has mass TeV/c2 and lifetime nanoseconds, therefore they can travel throughout all subdetectors. We try not only calculate their acceptance in function of transverse momentum and rapidity but also combine a pair of candidats with opposite charge in order to reconstruct their invariant mass. In the next step, we have intention to identify stau using the informations from subdetectors such as the inner tracker and the muon chambers. Keywords: Long-lived massive stau, superpatner, p-p collisions. 1. Introduction In this paper, we present our new research orientation concerning long-lived heavy charged particles that would be produced in hadron collisions at very high energy. Since several years, Vietnamese physicists of the "Groupe de Physique des Hautes Energies" (GPHE) have participated in the LHCb experiment with the help of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Our group chooses the decays of B meson as one of study subjects because the neutral B meson systems play a predominant role in investigating CP violation and any deviation from the Standard Model (SM). We have also studies strangeness production because this