Objectives: To determine some causes, risk factors and outcomes in neonates with respiratory failure. Subjects and methods: A descriptive and prospective study on 139 neonates who were diagnosed respiratory failure after birth (case group) and 278 neonates without respiratory failure (control group) were admitted in Pediatric Department, Bachmai Hospital. | TẠP CHÍ Y - DƢỢC HỌC QUÂN SỰ SỐ CHUYÊN ĐỀ HÌNH THÁI HỌC-2017 CAUSES, RISK FACTORS AND OUTCOMES IN NEONATES WITH RESPIRATORY FAILURE Nguyen Thanh Nam*; Cao Thi Bich Hao* Pham Van Dem**; Dong Khac Hung***; Nguyen Tien Dung* Summary Objectives: To determine some causes, risk factors and outcomes in neonates with respiratory failure. Subjects and methods: A descriptive and prospective study on 139 neonates who were diagnosed respiratory failure after birth (case group) and 278 neonates without respiratory failure (control group) were admitted in Pediatric Department, Bachmai Hospital. Results: Mortality rate in neonates was . The average of gestational age in neonates with respiratory failure was 34 weeks, significantly lower than the control group with 38 weeks (p 60 breaths/min or slow breathing 50 mmHg and pH 7 43 139 Total Control group OR (95%CI) n % 31 247 ( - ) 100% 278 100% p < Apgar score at the first minute 7 in the control group had higher rate than in the case group ( vs. ) (p < ). Children with Apgar score at the first minute 7 had a risk of respiratory failure () (95%CI; - ). As a result, the baby's appearance of asphyxia immediately after birth (the first minute) warns the risk of respiratory failure in the next hours. Table 5: CS without labor and the rate of respiratory failure. Groups Case group Control group OR (95%CI) CS without labour n % Yes 59 5 No 80 273 ( - ) 139 100% 278 100% p < Total n % 665 TẠP CHÍ Y - DƢỢC HỌC QUÂN SỰ SỐ CHUYÊN ĐỀ HÌNH THÁI HỌC-2017 Cesarean delivery without labour had a significant effect on the risk of postpartum respiratory failure (p < ). The risk of neonatal respiratory failure was (95%CI; - ) CS without labour. Table 6: The effect of maternal factors on the postpartum respiratory failure. Groups Maternal .