Bài viết muốn làm rõ mối quan hệ giữa hiện tượng đa nghĩa và sự chuyển đổi cấu trúc cú pháp, cấu trúc tham tố của vị từ trong tiếng Việt. nội dung chi tiết của tài liệu. | 136 N G 6 N N G f & Bin S6NG S6 10 (240)-2015 N G Q N NGty HQC - VIET NGO* HQC- NGOAI NGOI DA NGHIA VA c A u TRUC THAM T 6 cAu TRUC CU P H A P C U A VI Ttr TRONG TIENG VIET POLYSEMY AND ARGUMENT STRUCTURE, SYNTACTIC STRUCTURE OF POLYSEMOUS VERBS IN VIETNAMESE Di^U T H A N H VINH (ThS-NCS; Dgi hpc Sv phgm T P Ho Chf Minh) LildNHTHANG (TS; Dgi hpc Ddng Nai) Abstract: Polysony is a widespread phenomenon charact^izing the majority of words; any theory of tiie representation of word meaning must be able to account for it In Vietnamese, polysranous verte are closely related to verb's changing valency, and veib's changing of syntactic behavior. Each sense of polysemous verb can be a head of the different argument structures and syntactic structures. In Vietnamese, monovalency veibs, wfaicfa are intransitive veihs, can be head of the stiucture of bivalency verbs and vice serva. The phenomenon reflects the interface between verb senses and argument structures and syntactic structures that they play roles as the head. It is verb sense that plays the decisive role how argument structure and syntactic structure, «4iich it is the head, will be. K ^ words: Polysemy; argument structure; changing valency; syntactic behavior; Vietnamese. • $t vin d l p h ^ ldn cfic tft diu da ngh& d mftc dp nhilu ft Cac n ^ f i n cftu gin dfiy thudng xem nghia khfic nhau. Qay lugt tiet kifm trong ngdn ngft vfi ciia vi tft (WT) quyet dinh ciu true cu phfip, ciu kfad nfing gfai nhd cd hgn ciia con ngu£n nhftng Id true tiiam td ciia chung. Tuy .nhien, khdng nhilu nguyfin nhdn ca bfin dan din faifn tupng da tfie gjfi chii y den moi quan hf giiia cfic ngjua ciia n^iia trong tit cd cdc ngdn ngft trfin thl gidi. VT vdi ciu tiiic cd i * ^ , cau tnic tham td ciia Tuy nfaifin, cdc tft diln ngdn ngft tfaudng kfadng chung. Trong tilng Vift, m0t ngdn ngft don l|q) cd sy tiidng nfait tiding vifc xde d^Ai mpt tft nfio diln hlnh,faifn tupng cfic nghia ciia VT da nglua dd cd da T i ^ a kfadng vd sd lupng .