Bài viết khảo sát và phân tích các hành vi ngôn ngữ được sử dụng trong giao tiếp vợ chồng nông dân người Việt từ các tác phẩm văn học giai đoạn 1930-1945, qua đó đưa ra một số nhận xét. nội dung chi tiết của tài liệu. | 90 N G 6 N N G C & Ddi S6NG So 5 (247)-2016 iNGON NGtr HQC VA VigT N G C HQCJ TIM HIEU VE CAC HANH VI NGON N G f DlTgfC SU* DUNG TRONG GIAO TIEP VO CHONG NONG DAN NGX/Cn VIET GIAI DOAN 1930-1945* A STUDY ON SPEECH ACTS USED IN VIETNAMESE PEASANT SPOUSES' COMMUNICATION DURING 1930-1945 KHUAT THJ LAN (TS; Trudng Dgi hgc Su phgm H, Hd Nfi) Abstract: This article shows that speech acts used in the peasant spouses' communication during 1930-1945 are abundant and theufrequenciesof usage are not regular. There are some groups of acts with high frequencies of occurrence and yet some other groups witii lowfrequencies. What leads totiiisphenomenon is the domination of certain social factors over the peasant spouses' communication. However, it is undeniable that through their use of speech acts, their habits, their characteristics of thinking, of social classes and a depth of culture values which have reigned in every Viet peasant family for thousands of generations are clearly evident Key words: speech acts; the peasant spouses'. cfiu theo chfie ndng giao tilp. Theo Hdnh vi ngdn ngft (speech act, cdn ggi Id , "A/di hdnh vi d ldi cdn eo khd hdnh dgng ngdn ngfi, hdnh dgng ngdn tfi, ndng ldm thay ddi tu cdch phdp nhdn cua hdnh dgng ndi,.) dugc hieu '7a nhieng phdt ngudi ddi thogi. Chung ddt ngudi noi vd ngon md khi ngudi ta ndi ehung ra thi ddng ngudi nghe vdo nhirng nghfa vv va quyen lgi thdi ngudi ta thuc hi$n ngay edi vi^c dugc mdi so vdi tinh trgng cua hg trudc khi hdnh biiu thi trong phdt ngdn" [1, tr 88]. Theo vi d ldi do dugc ndi rd" [ D§n theo 1, tr 90]. Trong bdi viet nay, chiing tdi vfn dyng li LAustin (1962), khi sft dyng ngdn ngft dl giao tiep cung Id ddng thdi thyc hifn 3 hdnh thuyit tren dl klido sdt cdc hdnh vi ngdn vi: hdnh vi tgo ldi (lotnttionary act), hdnh vi ngft dugc sft dyng trong giao tilp ciia vg mugn ldi (perlocutionary act) va hdnh vi d ldi ching ndng ddn ngudi Viet tft cdc tdc phdm (illoeeutionary act). Hdnh vi tgo ldi Id hdnh