An Abstract Stack (Stack ADT) is an abstract data type which emphasizes specific operations: Uses a explicit linear ordering, insertions and removals are performed individually, there are no restrictions on objects inserted into (pushed onto) the queue that object is designated the back of the queue,. This topic discusses the concept of a stack: Description of an Abstract Stack, list applications, implementation, example applications, standard template library. | Review Introduction Representation of Linear Array In Memory Operations on linear Arrays Traverse Insert Delete Example Stack Introduction Stack in our life Stack Operations Stack Implementation Stack Using Array Stack Using Linked List Use of Stack Introduction A Stack is an ordered collection of items into which new data items may be added/inserted and from which items may be deleted at only one end A Stack is a container that implements the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) protocol Stack in Our Life Stacks in real life: stack of books, stack of plates Add new items at the top Remove an item from the top Stack data structure similar to real life: collection of elements arranged in a linear order. Can only access element at the top Stack Operations Push(X) – insert X as the top element of the stack Pop() – remove the top element of the stack and return it. Top() – return the top element without removing it from the stack. A primary concern for this course is efficiency. You might believe that faster computers make it unnecessary to be concerned with efficiency. However So we need special training. Stack Operations push(2) top 2 push(5) top 2 5 push(7) top 2 5 7 push(1) top 2 5 7 1 1 pop() top 2 5 7 push(21) top 2 5 7 21 21 pop() top 2 5 7 7 pop() 2 5 top 5 pop() 2 top A primary concern for this course is efficiency. You might believe that faster computers make it unnecessary to be concerned with efficiency. However So we need special training. Stack Operations Example push(5) top 5 push(8) top 5 8 push(3) top 5 8 3 push(9) top 5 8 3 9 9 pop() top 5 8 3 3 pop() top 5 8 8 pop() 5 top 5 pop() A primary concern for this course is efficiency. You might believe that faster computers make it unnecessary to be concerned with efficiency. However So we need special training. Stack Operation The last element to go into the stack is the first to come out: LIFO – Last In First Out. What happens if we call pop() and there is no element? Have IsEmpty() boolean . | Review Introduction Representation of Linear Array In Memory Operations on linear Arrays Traverse Insert Delete Example Stack Introduction Stack in our life Stack Operations Stack Implementation Stack Using Array Stack Using Linked List Use of Stack Introduction A Stack is an ordered collection of items into which new data items may be added/inserted and from which items may be deleted at only one end A Stack is a container that implements the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) protocol Stack in Our Life Stacks in real life: stack of books, stack of plates Add new items at the top Remove an item from the top Stack data structure similar to real life: collection of elements arranged in a linear order. Can only access element at the top Stack Operations Push(X) – insert X as the top element of the stack Pop() – remove the top element of the stack and return it. Top() – return the top element without removing it from the stack. A primary concern for this course is efficiency. You might