This chapter presents the following content: Understand how projects are initiated and selected; define a business problem and determine the feasibility of a proposed project; plan a project by identifying activities and scheduling them. | Lecture 04 Recap Combination of Disciplines 7 step process of data visualization Acquire Parse Filter Mine Represent Refine Interact Iteration and Combination each step of the process is linked because of how the steps affect one another in the Zip decode application, for instance The need for a compact representation on the screen led me to refilter the data to include only the contiguous 48 states The representation step affected acquisition Interaction by typing successive numbers meant that the colors had to be modified in the visual refinement step to show a slow transition as points in the display are added or removed this helps the user maintain context by preventing the updates on-screen from being too jarring Continued . the connections between the steps in the process illustrate the importance of the individual or team in addressing the project as a whole this runs counter to the common fondness for assembly-line style projects, where programmers handle the technical portions, such as acquiring and parsing data, and visual designers are left to choose colors and typefaces at the intersection of these fields is a more interesting set of properties that demonstrates their strength in combination Continued . when acquiring data, consider how it can change, whether sporadically or continuously this expands the notion of graphic design that’s traditionally focused on solving a specific problem for a specific data set instead considers the meta-problem of how to handle a certain kind of data that might be updated in the future Continued . when acquiring data, consider how it can change, whether sporadically or continuously this expands the notion of graphic design that’s traditionally focused on solving a specific problem for a specific data set instead considers the meta-problem of how to handle a certain kind of data that might be updated in the future Continued . in the filtering step, data can be filtered in real time, as in the Zip decode application . | Lecture 04 Recap Combination of Disciplines 7 step process of data visualization Acquire Parse Filter Mine Represent Refine Interact Iteration and Combination each step of the process is linked because of how the steps affect one another in the Zip decode application, for instance The need for a compact representation on the screen led me to refilter the data to include only the contiguous 48 states The representation step affected acquisition Interaction by typing successive numbers meant that the colors had to be modified in the visual refinement step to show a slow transition as points in the display are added or removed this helps the user maintain context by preventing the updates on-screen from being too jarring Continued . the connections between the steps in the process illustrate the importance of the individual or team in addressing the project as a whole this runs counter to the common fondness for assembly-line style projects, where programmers handle the technical .