This chapter presents the following content: Matlab environment, built-in matlab functions, plotting, user-defined functions, numerical techniques, matlab environment, numerical techniques,. | Lecture 32 Chapter 4 "Inheritance" Inheritance is a powerful feature that allows the reuse of code. However, be sure that functions applied to objects created at run time through the new operator are bound at run time. This feature is known as dynamic binding, and the use of virtual functions is required to ensure that run-time decisions are made. Reread this chapter as often as necessary to ensure that you understand the distinctions among non-virtual functions virtual functions pure virtual functions Chapter 6 “Algorithm Analysis" In this chapter we introduced algorithm analysis and showed that algorithmic decisions generally influence the running time of a program much more than programming tricks do We also showed the huge difference between the running times for quadratic and linear programs and illustrated that cubic algorithms are, for the most part, unsatisfactory We examined an algorithm that could be viewed as the basis for our first data structure The binary search . | Lecture 32 Chapter 4 "Inheritance" Inheritance is a powerful feature that allows the reuse of code. However, be sure that functions applied to objects created at run time through the new operator are bound at run time. This feature is known as dynamic binding, and the use of virtual functions is required to ensure that run-time decisions are made. Reread this chapter as often as necessary to ensure that you understand the distinctions among non-virtual functions virtual functions pure virtual functions Chapter 6 “Algorithm Analysis" In this chapter we introduced algorithm analysis and showed that algorithmic decisions generally influence the running time of a program much more than programming tricks do We also showed the huge difference between the running times for quadratic and linear programs and illustrated that cubic algorithms are, for the most part, unsatisfactory We examined an algorithm that could be viewed as the basis for our first data structure The binary search efficiently supports static operations thereby providing a logarithmic worst-case search Later in the text we examine dynamic data structures that efficiently support updates Data Visualization with MATLAB Chapter 2 “MATLAB Environment” Chapter 3 “Built-in MATLAB Functions” Chapter 5 “Plotting” Chapter 6 “User-Defined Functions” Chapter 13 “Numerical Techniques” Chapter 2 "MATLAB Environment" In this chapter, we introduced the basic MATLAB structure The MATLAB environment includes multiple windows, four of which are open in the default view: Command window Command history window Workspace window Current folder window In addition, the Document window Graphics window Edit window open as needed during a MATLAB session Continued . Variables defined in MATLAB follow common computer naming conventions: Names must start with a letter. Letters, numbers, and the underscore are the only characters allowed. Names are case sensitive. Names may be of any length, although only the first 63 characters are .