The results obtained as comparing the lifetime values of the three samples showed that the values of the 8 kGy irradiated-samples were the lowest whereas the 4 kGy irradiated-samples’value were greater than the non-irradiated samples’ one time. | TAÏP CHÍ PHAÙT TRIEÅN KH&CN, TAÄP 20, SOÁ T4- 2017 Estimate the lifetime of thermoluminescence traps in general-orders of kinetics model of chilli powder samples by using the R package TGCD • Nguyen Duy Sang Can Tho University, Can Tho Faculty of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Science, VNU-HCM • • Tran Van Hung Nguyen Quoc Hien Research and Development Center for Radiation Technology, VAEI, Ho Chi Minh • Nguyen Van Hung Nuclear Research Institute, VAEI, Dalat (Received on 20th December 2016, accepted on 30th October 2017) ABSTRACT The kinetic parameters of thermoluminescene calculated by modeled first-, second-, general(TL) glow peaks of chilli powder irradiated by orders of kinetics (GOK) thanking to the gamma rays with the different doses of 0, 4 and 8 computer by using the R package TGCD. The kGy (. activation energies (E), order of kinetics results obtained as comparing the lifetime values (b), trapping and recombination probability of the three samples showed that the values of the coefficients (R) and frequency factors (s)) have 8 kGy irradiated-samples were the lowest been determined and evaluated by glow curve whereas the 4 kGy irradiated-samples’value were deconvolution (GCD) method using the glow greater than the non-irradiated samples’ one curve data to estimate lifetime of TL traps. The time. kinetic parameters of TL glow peaks are Key words: Lifetime, thermoluminescence, kinetic parameters, GCD, GOK, chilli INTRODUCTION Thermoluminescene (TL) technique is based on the luminescence emission from polymineral phases (mainly quartz, carbonates, feldspars and clays) isolated from foodstuffs [1]. The TL is empirically observed by heating a previously irradiated dosimeter. The TL intensity emitted as a function of temperature is called a glow curve. The emission glow peaks characteristics of a glow curve depend on trapping centres at different trap depths. The initial irradiation stores TL energy in the crystal. The TL material .