This lesson examines several categories of alternative input devices and discusses the special uses of each. You may be surprised at how often you see these devices, and you may decide that an alternative device will be your primary means of interacting with your computer. | CSC 101 Introduction to Computing Lecture 5 Dr. Iftikhar Azim Niaz ianiaz@ 1 2 Last Lecture Summary I Using Keyboard and Mouse Keyboard Keyboard Layout Five Groups of Keys Alphanumeric, Numeric Keypad, Function, Modifier, Cursor movement Special Purpose keys Internet and multimedia controls How keyboard works Dvorak and other non-standard keyboard layoputs 2 3 Last Lecture Summary II Mouse Types of Mouse Mechanical mouse Optical Mouse Interacting with the Mouse Five techniques pointing, clicking, double-clicking, dragging, and right-clicking Track Ball Track Pad Track Point 3 Ergonomics and Input Devices Ergonomics which is the study of the physical relationship between people and their tools—such as computers— addresses these issues. People recognize the importance of having ergonomically correct computer furniture Ergonomically correct means that a tool or a workplace is designed to work properly with the human body, and thus reduces the risk of strain and injuries. 4 4 Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) an injury of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression (pressing against hard surfaces), sustained, or awkward positions Caused by continuous misuse of the body in ways it was not designed to work Many professions suffer from RSI 5 5 Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel is a passage way in the wrist through which nerves pass Holds nerves and tendons Prolonged keyboarding swells tendons Median nerve is compressed at wrist Resulting in numbness or pain or the inability to use the hands victims can miss weeks or months of work. In extreme cases, surgery is required. 6 6 Teaching tip Hairstylists often suffer from carpal tunnel. Bicyclists can suffer from overuse injuries of the knee. Page 116 of the text has a diagram of the carpal tunnel. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 7 Avoiding Keyboard Related | CSC 101 Introduction to Computing Lecture 5 Dr. Iftikhar Azim Niaz ianiaz@ 1 2 Last Lecture Summary I Using Keyboard and Mouse Keyboard Keyboard Layout Five Groups of Keys Alphanumeric, Numeric Keypad, Function, Modifier, Cursor movement Special Purpose keys Internet and multimedia controls How keyboard works Dvorak and other non-standard keyboard layoputs 2 3 Last Lecture Summary II Mouse Types of Mouse Mechanical mouse Optical Mouse Interacting with the Mouse Five techniques pointing, clicking, double-clicking, dragging, and right-clicking Track Ball Track Pad Track Point 3 Ergonomics and Input Devices Ergonomics which is the study of the physical relationship between people and their tools—such as computers— addresses these issues. People recognize the importance of having ergonomically correct computer furniture Ergonomically correct means that a tool or a workplace is designed to work properly with the human body, and thus reduces the risk of strain and injuries.