Artificial immune system (AIS) is a diverse research area that combines the disciplines of immunology and computation. Negative selection algorithm (NSA) is one of the computational models of self/nonself discrimination can be designed for anomaly detection in AIS. It contains two stages: generate a set D of detectors that do not match any element of a given self-set S. | Nguyễn Văn Trường và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 102(02): 45 - 49 ANOTHER LOOK AT R-CHUNK DETECTOR-BASED NEGATIVE SELECTION ALGORITHM Nguyen Van Truong1*, Trinh Van Ha2 2 1 College of Education – TNU College of Information and Telecommunication Technology - TNU SUMMARY Artificial immune system (AIS) is a diverse research area that combines the disciplines of immunology and computation. Negative selection algorithm (NSA) is one of the computational models of self/nonself discrimination can be designed for anomaly detection in AIS. It contains two stages: generate a set D of detectors that do not match any element of a given self-set S. Then, use these detectors to detect whether a given cell is self or nonself. One fast r-chunk detector-based NSA (rNSA) originally introduced by M. Elberfeld et al. in 2009 [6], the complete generating detector can detect all nonself space. Here, we develop negative-dual algorithm, called r-chunk detector-based positive selection algorithm (rPSA), to detect the complement of the nonself space with the same memory complexity but reduces runtime complexities. Keywords: Artificial immune system, negative selection algorithm, positive selection algorithm, computer security, r-chunk detector. INTRODUCTION* AIS is inspired by the observation of the behaviors and the interaction of normal component of biological systems - the self and abnormal one - the nonself. Real immune system generates T cells randomly with the ability to detect harmful antigens. The receptors of new born T cells are assembled from combined gene fragments. In an organ called the thymus, the T cells are then exposed to proteins from self, and cells whose receptors match such a self protein are bound to die. Only those that survive negative selection may leave the thymus, and use their receptors to screen the organism for nonself proteins. This process is known as negative selection and is applicable of computer security. An algorithmic abstraction of .