This lecture includes these contents: Working with tables, adding data to the table, simple table functionality, the query builder, creating new tables,. Invite you to result this lecture. | Practice 2: Working with tables ArcView Steps 8 Step 1 Opening data 8 Step 2 Table properties . 9 Step 3 Adding data to the table . 9 Step 4 Simple table functionality . 10 Step 5 Selecting features. 10 Step 6 The query builder . 10 Step 7 Creating new tables . 11 Step 8 Joining tables . 11 In this practical you will discover how to open, edit, create and work with tables. Firstly, you will need to start ArcView, start a new project, add a view and set the working directory (to c:\) as demonstrated in the last practice. An ArcView project can contain any number oftables - to see which tables are in a project click onthe tables icon in the project window. ArcView Steps Step 1 Opening data Click the Add Theme button. Navigate to the directory for c:\arcv32\arcview\esridata\usa. Select the following theme:. Click OK. This theme will now be added to your view. We are going to edit data within the theme and do not want to overwrite the original file and so we will have to make a copy ofthe data. Make sure the states theme is active by clicking on the theme in the legend (the area will appear raised or 3-D). Go to the .