Ebook Grant’s dissector (16/E): Part 1

Part 1 book “Grant’s dissector” has contents: Skin and superficial fascia, superficial muscles of the back, scapular region and posterior arm, muscles of the pectoral region, pectoral region, suboccipital region, palm of the hand, and other contents. | ALAN J. DETTON, Ph D Lecturer Clinical Anatom y Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California In Mem oriam Pat rick W. Tan k, Ph D (1950–2012) Aut h or o f Th irt e e n t h , Fo urt e e n t h , an d Fift e e n t h Ed it io n s Professor of Anatom y (1978–2012) Course Director, Gross Anatom y; Director, Anatom ical Gift Program (1985–2011) Also served as Director of Education and Director of Anatom ical Education Dep artm ent of Neurobiology and Develop m ental Sciences University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas No t a u t h o rised fo r sa le in Un it ed St a t es, Ca n a d a , Au st ra lia , New Zea la n d , Pu er t o Rico , a n d . Virgin Isla n d s. Acquisitions Editor: Crystal Taylor Product Developm ent Editor: Greg Nich oll Marketing Manager: Mich ael McMah on Production Project Manager: David Orzech owski Design Coordinator: Holly McLau gh lin Art Director: Jen n ifer Clem en ts Artist/Illustrator: Dragon y Med ia Grou p Manufacturing Coordinator: Margie Orzech Prepress Vendor: Absolu te Service, In c. Sixteen th Ed ition By . Ta n k : Fifteen th Ed ition , 2013; Fou rteen th Ed ition , 2009; Th irteen th Edition , 2005 By . Sa u erla n d : Twelfth Ed ition , 1999; Eleven th Ed ition , 1994; Ten th Ed ition , 1991; Nin th Ed ition , 1984; Eigh th Ed ition , 1978; Seven th Ed ition , 1974 By . Gra n t : Sixth Ed ition , 1967; Fifth Edition , 1959 By . Gra n t a n d H .A. Ca t es: Fou rth Edition , 1953; Th ird Edition , 1948; Secon d Ed ition , 1945; First Edition , 1940 Cop yrigh t © 2017 Wolters Klu wer. Cop yrigh t © 2013, 2009 Lip p in cott William s & Wilkin s, a Wolters Klu wer bu sin ess. Cop yrigh t © 2005, 1999 Lip p in cott William s & Wilkin s. Cop yrigh t © 1994, 1991, 1984, 1978, 1974, 1967, 1959, 1953, 1948, 1945, 1940 William s & Wilkin s. Prin ted in Ch in a All righ ts reserved . Th is book is p rotected by cop yrigh t. No p art of th is book m ay be rep rod u ced or tran sm itted

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