Lecture Introduction to linguistics: Second language learning & theories

In this chapter, students will be able to understand: What is second language acquisition/learning, difference between L1 & L2, how do learners acquire/learn 2nd language, theories regarding 2nd language acquisition/learning. | Second Language Learning & Theories Dr. Ansa Hameed Previously . First Language Acquisition: Theories about Language Development in Children Behaviourism Nativism Cognitive Approach Interaction Approach Today’s Lecture What is second language acquisition/ learning? Difference between L1 & L2 How do learners acquire/learn 2nd language? Theories regarding 2nd language acquisition/ Learning What is 2nd Language Acquisition? Second Language acquisition means to learn a language other than the mother tongue. Second language can be a 3rd or 4th language in a bilingual/ multilingual society where children already have 2 (or sometimes 3) languages learnt in their childhood Be clear second language here means any language not acquired as mother tongue(s) Difference between L1 & L2 Most people agree that there is a fundamental difference between L1 and L2 learning because: All children learn their first language easily and well whereas adults vary in their ultimate mastery of a second language. Children do not need to be taught their first language whereas adults benefit from formal instruction. Children are intrinsically motivated to learn their native language whereas adult mastery of a second language is dependent upon attitude, motivation, and aptitude. What is the study of 2nd Language Acquisition??? It is the study of: how second languages are learned; how learners create a new language system with limited exposure to a second language; why most second language learners do not achieve the same degree of proficiency in a second language as they do in their native language; and why some learners appear to achieve native-like proficiency in more than one language. How do learners Acquire a 2nd Language??? Learners acquire a second language by making use of existing knowledge of the native language, general learning strategies, or universal properties of language to internalize knowledge of the second language. These processes serve as a means by which the learner . | Second Language Learning & Theories Dr. Ansa Hameed Previously . First Language Acquisition: Theories about Language Development in Children Behaviourism Nativism Cognitive Approach Interaction Approach Today’s Lecture What is second language acquisition/ learning? Difference between L1 & L2 How do learners acquire/learn 2nd language? Theories regarding 2nd language acquisition/ Learning What is 2nd Language Acquisition? Second Language acquisition means to learn a language other than the mother tongue. Second language can be a 3rd or 4th language in a bilingual/ multilingual society where children already have 2 (or sometimes 3) languages learnt in their childhood Be clear second language here means any language not acquired as mother tongue(s) Difference between L1 & L2 Most people agree that there is a fundamental difference between L1 and L2 learning because: All children learn their first language easily and well whereas adults vary in their ultimate mastery of a second .

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