The most important topics discussed in biographia literaria are Imagination,critical theory of Poetry and criticism appropriate of Wordsworth. In Biographia Literaria, Coleridge had written meditations to suspect that fancy and imagination were two distinct and widely different faculties,instead of being,according to the general belief either two names with one meaning,or at furthest the lower and higher degree of one and the same power. | BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA The most important topics discussed in biographia literaria are Imagination,critical theory of Poetry and criticism appropriate of Wordsworth. IMAGINATION In Biographia Literaria,Coleridge had written meditations to suspect that fancy and imagination were two distinct and widely different faculties,instead of being,according to the general belief either two names with one meaning,or at furthest the lower and higher degree of one and the same power. Coleridge takes up the line again and writes,the Imagination,then he considers either as primary,or primary Imagination he holds to be living power and prime agent of all human perception,and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM. The secondary he considers as an echo of the former coexisting with the conscious will,yet still as identical with the primary in the kind of its agency,and differing only in degree and in the mode its . | BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA The most important topics discussed in biographia literaria are Imagination,critical theory of Poetry and criticism appropriate of Wordsworth. IMAGINATION In Biographia Literaria,Coleridge had written meditations to suspect that fancy and imagination were two distinct and widely different faculties,instead of being,according to the general belief either two names with one meaning,or at furthest the lower and higher degree of one and the same power. Coleridge takes up the line again and writes,the Imagination,then he considers either as primary,or primary Imagination he holds to be living power and prime agent of all human perception,and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM. The secondary he considers as an echo of the former coexisting with the conscious will,yet still as identical with the primary in the kind of its agency,and differing only in degree and in the mode its dissolves,diffuses,dissipates,in order to recreate,or where this process is rendered impossible,yet still at all events,it struggles to idealize and to is essentially vital,even as all objects are essentially fixed and dead. Fancy,on the contrary,has not other counters to play with but fixities and definiteThe fancy is indeed no other than a mode of memory and space and blended with and modified by that empirical phenomenon of the will which we express by the word equally with the ordinary memory it must receive all its materials ready made from the law of association. VIEWS ON POEMS AND POETRY Coleridge deals with the genesis of the Lyrical Ballads,Preface to its second edition by Wordsworth and the philosophic definition of a poem and poetry. In his conversations with Wordsworth,Coleridge reached the conclusion that a series of poem must be composed of two sorts. In the one the incidents and agents were to be,in part at least supernatural and he excellence aimed at was to .